
Praetorium Honoris

Thursday, April 26, 2018

Taking a Mental Health Day

Don't want to stop blogging, but there are days that I just can't do it.

This is one of them.

Lex felt it too, at times.

There are evenings when there is nothing left in the tank and I need to chill for a day.

Be back Friday.

God willing and the creek don't rise.

Talk quietly among yourselves.

Andrew and Paul, behave.

And yes, you can in-flight refuel a helicopter. Here's how you don't do it...


  1. Hey, it all good. Take a few days. Just be back for History Friday.

    1. I'm off this Friday, so I'll have no excuses.

  2. Take all the time you need Sarge, I'm not going anywhere....... lookit there.........SQUIRREL!

  3. The refueling boom has enough flex that it can whip up into the rotor arc.
    The fact that the Sea Stallion flew away is a testament to good design and good materials,
    I wonder of the cockpit's BWEEDS activated. (BODY WASTE EMERGENCY EJECTION DISPOSAL SYSTEM)

    I don't know how you produce so many consistently great posts in the first place.
    Maybe you should change your mental gears and plan a zipline for your yard. What could possibly go wrong!

    1. Looks like the rotors reached the front part of the refueling boom due to the combined forward tilt of the rotor head together with blade flexing down.

      - Victor

    2. Victor - I think you're right.

  4. Lex and I were peers back then.
    Unlike him, I was a new dad with an infant.
    I have never grasped his time management skills
    I suspect I never will.

    1. Yes, amazing time management skills. There are days my skills in that department are non-existent.

      Last night was one of those times.

  5. I'm shocked-shocked that you believe I won't behave.

    Mental health breaks are very important. Just don't do a George RR Martin level mental health break, or other things may get broken.

    Hey, it's spring, enjoy the wonderful fresh air (breath in deeply) full of pollen (ah-chooooooo.)

    1. That "Andrew and Paul behave" thing was perhaps unwarranted. But I thought it was funny. (Yes, my sense of humor is "odd" to say the least.)

      A George RR Martin mental health break? As in, "I'm famous and rich, so I can stop writing now." Heh. When I think back on the fourth book I was kind of hoping he'd just give up. Fifth book was much better. As to the theoretical six and seventh books? I don't think we'll ever see those.

      HBO's series will tide me over.

    2. WHAT, me misbehave? On the other hand, AW is well known to act up. You had best keep a close eye on him.
      ( Yes, it is/was funny. )

      On the third hand, I agree with Andrew's second line. As I have written before, we'll be here when you are ready to post again.

      Thanks for the post.
      Paul L. Quandt

    3. Great googly-moogly, saw no slight there, thought it was funny as all heck in a non-shadenfreudistical way (spellchecker now officially hates me, haha.) Rather enjoyed you going 'dad' on us and calling us out for our behavior. Which is totally PaulLQ's fault. He's breathing my air. He's looking at meeee.

      As to shows to watch, Mrs. Andrew caught a 'free' HBO preview and we saw S1E1 of 'Westworld' which resulted in us shucking out a few extra a month and spending one whole day binging that damned series. Darned worth it. Pay attention to the music being played on the player piano, you'll get a chuckle out of them (cheat sheets available on the internwebblies. Warning, excessive violence and some rather rough sexual stuff. But, after watching all of Season 1, wow, HoBO hit it out of the park with that one. Who needs winter when you have the Delos Corporation? Season 2 starts just as weird and wonderful.

    4. Ah Westworld, waiting (impatiently) for Season 2.

    5. S2E1 is playing all week long. Unless you're using some weird streaming service.

    6. "Which is totally PaulLQ's fault. He's breathing my air. He's looking at meeee."

      No, honestly, he started. I didn't hardly touch him at all.


  6. Some days are like that, you're just tryin' to stick your probe in and it gets thwacked.

  7. That looks like a dangerous procedure...not one I would like to undertake! Have a good mental health day ( I am going to remember that next time I feel like just vegetating), enjoy as many as you need! But DO come back at some point! Maybe we could suggest topics for you! That could be fun, right? LOL

    1. I like suggestions from the readers, some of my best posts came from something a reader said/suggested.

      I am already feeling more mentally healthy. ;)

    2. something there will stir your muse into action. I gave up on it long muse just flat out deserted......might help

  8. Replies
    1. I need an older, less agile Muse.

      (I know you've been there, done that.)

    2. Check your local Fish and Wildlife service and see if you can borrow a net gun. Might help you catch your muse without all that tiring running around. Don't use a tranq gun, you don't want a stoned muse.

    3. One could, I suppose, hire a retiarius to keep the Muse in check.

      I mean most gladiator schools should have one, right?

    4. Your muse might not enjoy getting forked. Just saying.

  9. Hey, you checked in, told us you were alive, and you blogged it. Plus you gave us a nifty vid. That counts as a post.

    1. Yay!

      Effectively immediately I'm doubling your pay!

      (I know, I know, but it's the thought that counts. Right?)

    2. Tuna, you've got something on your nose, but congratulations on the raise. :-)

    3. Juvat, nah, just speaking the truth, especially since I've taken the last few months off!

  10. It doesn't have to be long to be deep and pithy ya know. Just pretty shots of Mrs Sarge's flowers would work. That way you can brag about how hard you labored to help stuff grow. :)

    Hey, I had a thought (yes, just one) folks have a lovely carp pond in your the carp/fish come inside for the winter? I have a cousin who's husband would bring in his fish pond every fall, and she would find assorted frogs for a few weeks as they all hatched out/un-hibernated and then hopped all over the living room until the cats either caught them or they got behind the couch and died. so, do you bring in your fish or leave them out all winter or just have a big fish fry in the fall and get newbies every spring??

    1. They go dormant in the winter, as long as the deepest part of the pond stays ice free at the bottom they're okay. We have a pump to aerate the water so it stays oxygenated. We've lost a couple in past winters who strayed too close to the surface and got frozen. But usually they do okay. If we ever have a real Canadian winter, I'd get a heater. (They have those as well.)

  11. In other words, it is like a real pond! Cool. We have several of those, and it is fun to see the turtles come out and sun themselves on the couple of logs hubby keeps in the ponds.

    Hope your mental muse is feeling rested and recovered. Everyone here plays pretty well together when only minimally supervised for a day or so. Even Andrew(s) and Paul. :)

    1. 'Tis a real pond, in an artificial sort of way. We dug the hole and lined it, now it's there, year round.

      There's always at least one frog. This year's frog is about a third the size of last year's frog.

      I like that, "Andrew(s)."


Just be polite... that's all I ask. (For Buck)
Can't be nice, go somewhere else...

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