
Praetorium Honoris

Monday, October 8, 2018

Report from the Front

The Juvats depart Montreal
Actually, Ein Wikingerüberfall by Ferdinand Leeke
No, I'm not suggesting that Mr. and Mrs. Juvat are sailing up the St. Lawrence and then down the Atlantic coastline of the Maritime Provinces and New England spreading havoc in their wake. I suppose it's possible though, Juvat being a fighter pilot and Mrs. J having been an administrative type in her Air Force career. He can spread the havoc, she can organize it. Not saying that that's what they're doing, just saying that they have the necessary skills.

Google Maps
For those of you unfamiliar with the area in question, that's it above, the red line is the approximate path of impending doom Mr. and Mrs. Juvat's cruise. I suspect they will be taking their time on that cruise, much to see along that route, much to drink and eat as well I assume. Land fall in Little Rhody should be fun, never met the Juvats in the flesh so to speak. 'Tis about time. (And as I haven't managed to drag my ass down to Texas just yet, then if the mountain will not come to Muhammad...)


Life is strange and frustrating at the moment, what with the whole "one eye" thing going on. The left orb is starting to heal and it looks better than it operates, though the bubble is starting to subside and I begin to see things in my peripheral vision. I mean, things that are actually there and not phantasms of my blurry vision. Oddly enough, I also seem to have developed an unreasoning anger towards some guy named Odysseus.

Odysseus and Polyphemus by Arnold Böcklin
It's off to the ophthalmologist this coming Thursday to discover how the healing process is proceeding and to get an up or down check on my returning back to work. No doubt my employer would like me to spend more than 30 minutes or so every couple of hours at the computer in a nine hour shift.

Which is about how much my good eye can handle. As I get paid to work on computers, I guess you could say that I'm disabled. After a fashion. Lord knows I can't operate a motor vehicle in this condition, I keep bumping into corners at Chez Sarge. Depth perception, I have none.


Further reports to follow.

The Juvats making landfall in Little Rhody.
Note Mrs. Juvat pointing the way.



  1. Don't push it Sarge, take your time since the computers aren't going anywhere. Fingers still crossed for Thursday....when is the ETA for the the meeting of South and North?

    1. Thanks Nylon12.

      Team Juvat will be in my AO a week from today.

  2. One of my coworkers took a nail to the eye. He said walking into door frames was common until he lost the patch and his eye recovered. I can't even imagine what you are going through. Be safe Sarge.

    1. It is something of an adventure. The cats find it disconcerting.

    2. Why would the cats find it disconcerting? It's not like you nailed it or anything...

    3. They see me as another cat, now that I am clumsy it bugs them. Now I'm saying that I normally move with a cat-like grace about the house, but I am pretty light on my feet for a big fellow. Also, I am unable to attend to their every need. That's probably what bugs them the most, one of their attendants is operating at less than full capacity.

    4. Ah, the mistresses are never happy when the servants are slacking for whatever reason.

  3. Replies
    1. Sometimes a spear is just a spear.

      Unless it's a boar spear, or a spetum, or a pike, or an awl, or a...

    2. Nope, I'm the guy holding my wife up as she's giving me directions on which way to go. Throwing spears was in my last life.

    3. And as you were at the Pentagon in a previous life, I'll bet you know a thing or two about catching 'em as well.

  4. Be of good cheer, things could be worse. ( So I cheered up and, sure enough, things got worse. )

    I write this old ditty in great hope that it wards off evil.

    Thanks for the post.
    Paul L. Quandt

  5. That cruse route looks like a good one! In the first painting, a day that changed everything for many ...

    1. Indeed, it's one I wish to do myself some day.

    2. Just watch out for the Skraelings.

    3. Still not as treacherous as the Quebecois!

  6. Sucha meeting y'all are going to have!

  7. The passenger ship industry is looking at themed voyages related to male cats.
    Yep. Tom cruises.

    Fingers crossed for good news from the doc.

  8. Juvat and his Shield Maiden should be able to create havoc (and let slip the dogs of war) wherever they want to. Fair winds and following seas!

  9. Enjoy your cruise and the visit, but I gotta ask. What's with the landing in lil Rhody? It's hyper-liberal there so is the dude with the spear ready to repel leftist boarders?

    1. One hopes they lay waste to Federal Hill. Leave the restaurants though, they're good.

    2. Should have said "Juvat- enjoy your cruise." Maybe I was thrown off by a Juvat-related post on a Monday that wasn't written by Juvat!

    3. Our convoluted conspiracy bears fruit. Tee hee hee.

      I knew, that you knew, that Juvat would eventually read the comments. I mean, what else is there to do on a cruise?

  10. That sounds like a wonderful cruise - best wishes to all for a satisfying visit.
    Good wishes also on speedy and successful healing!

  11. Gah, I despise the Victorians for what they've done to medieval stuff. So much wrong in the second picture. So little time...

    Mayhaps your doctor will allow you to play hookey for another week so you won't have to take time off when the juvats beach. They are going to use a shoaling beach, right?

    As to depth perception, you can 'learn' it by comparing known sized objects to other objects, such as stop signs and school buses. So, well, if it looks like there's a large arrow heading for your eye, oh, wait that's in a week.

    So how are your cats, Hugin and Munin, actually acting about you being one-eyed? Are they wanting to sit on your shoulder and mutter things in your ears?

    I think I'll sign off now. I see that I may have overstepped my bounds. I guess my writing has become an eye-sore...

    (It's gonna suck when you're healed. Will have to find something else to make lame stupid jokes about.)

    1. When I first read this comment, I burst out laughing, so much goodness. As to the Victorians, there is much in our world we have to thank them for, and much to dislike them for, wings on helmets stands out right away.

      I've already adapted somewhat to the relative lack of binocular vision, still not something I want to learn full time!

      And just how did you know my cats' Old Norse names?

      And yeah, eye see what you did there.

      Seriously Beans? "It's gonna suck when you're healed." I guess it depends on one's perspective. ;)

    2. H and M? Well, I've been waiting to toss that comment on the all-fire since the whole one-eye post. Just biding my time. Now that you're healing you won't have to rename The Big Girl to Sleipnir.

      And, well, since you and juvat invoked fighter-pilot rules for callsigns, then you also invoked the little known clause of 'shoot the low hanging fruit.' And, well, you'll be okay as long as you don't force your perspective.

      As to the whole cyclops thingy, you totally blew that one. The best person to be would be Odysseus. After all, the Cyclops was looking for Nobody...

    3. Wait, Speipnir is not Old Norse for Big Girl? Son-of-a-Loki! I was misled!

      As to Polyphemus versus Odysseus, well Odysseus had both of his eyes, didn't he?

    4. Nobody...

      Do you mean...

      I mean, is that who Polyphemus...

      Eye'm confused.

  12. OK, so I think it will be great when you are completely healed!! Having no, or in my case, lousy depth perception, is..well...lousy. Watch out for those wall corners that just leap out in front of you for no reason than to just be obnoxious.

    Will be keeping fingers crossed for Thursday, but, don't be surprised if you are not continued to be grounded for another week or two...usually until you finish doing the silly, but necessary, drops, and the eyeball has a chance to heal. Completely. And, yes, they do sting. Not fun, but necessary to reduce the swelling and promote good circulation.

    Don't forget...we need pictures to document the historical event of the Juvets landing in Little Rhody!! At least imbibing carbon dioxide is not an issue. That would make all of this a major drag...and I'm not even a big fan of fluids containing lots of little rising bubbles. Just don't fall or bang your head...might disrupt your nitrogen bubble. :(

    Debbie Downer signing out

    1. I'm, ahem, seeing much improvement daily. Not quite ready to read an eye chart but things are progressing nicely. Thank the Lord for music, if I ever go deaf I'll be ready for the boneyard!

      I'm actually kind of used to the eye drops now, they only sting a little. Watch tonight, they'll probably burn like crazy!

      Oh the landing of The Juvats will be documented, the court painter will be on hand, er, I'll have my camera at the ready.

      Heh, Debbie Downer. You're a nurse, right? I ALWAYS listen to my nurses.

  13. Glad to hear things are progressing, even if slower than wanted.

    I love music, classical included, but gotta say was never very sure exactly how Beethoven did it. I would think that loosing your hearing would be as bad as loosing your sight. Yet one more reason I moved to MI instead of FL. Fall colors are just something I the slow greening up in Spring...and hay being cut in Summer and watching snow fall...just not yet, please!!

    Like I said, Eye am looking forward to when your eyes are healed back up and working properly :)

    1. I too, await that glorious day.

      And yes, fall colors, snow falling gently in the lane, all things which I love. But yeah, the snow can wait, I mean it's all about the anticipation innit?

    2. Apparently Beethoven internalized music so much he could 'hear' in his head what each individual instrument would sound like, and what the whole of the piece also sounded like.

      As to fall colors, we have them, here, in Florida, the North part at least. We even have the whole leaves falling from the trees and ice (and occasionally snow, barely) during cold stuff. But no-one tosses salt on the road to destroy our vehicles.

    3. Ah, salt on the roads. One of the true "joys" of winter.


  14. A video for you to watch and ponder.

  15. Glad to hear the vision is coming back!

  16. Srsly? There's a dirth of paddlers.

    Ask me how I know.

    1. Mine sweepers have, well, sweeps. Oars were also known, once upon a time, as sweeps. Am I close?

      Though, having met you in person, you DO have a bit of the Viking about you.



Just be polite... that's all I ask. (For Buck)
Can't be nice, go somewhere else...

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