
Praetorium Honoris

Thursday, March 22, 2012

The First Step

I decided to get into blogging for one reason: the untimely departure from this veil of tears of CAPT Carroll "Lex" LeFon, USN (Ret), known in the blogosphere as Neptunus Lex. He was a husband, a father, a naval aviator, an outstanding writer and a man I called friend. Though I never met him in person, I mourn his loss as much as if I'd known him all my life. Therefore, I created this here blog for Lex and for all of us who call ourselves Lexians. So tread carefully here, this is meant to be a place of dignity and respect. I will not tolerate abusive comments or personal attacks. Though things may get heated at times, I expect a certain amount of civility and decorum. So please, play nice. But definitely, let's have some fun with this. We'll see how it goes. For now, we're kind of "under construction" so bear with me as I decorate, elaborate and experiment wildly. As Lex would say, "Talk among yourselves" while I run down to the hardware store to get some paint and stuff to fix this place up.

Here's to Lex - For Strength!


  1. Can't think of a nicer first step. To you and your blog, good luck, and have fun! To Lex, well....TO LEX, for strength !

    1. Welcome aboard Marv! You are my very first visitor. (Hhhmm, perhaps I should have had door prizes, or something.)

  2. Replies
    1. Pass the word to those Lexians who don't like FB! And thanks Rumbear, you're the first grizzly to visit. (Again, no door prizes. What was I thinking?)

  3. Hey there, OldAFSarge! Jeff from Parrothead Jeff here to say welcome to the blogosphere! I just published a post over at my place with a link over to here and you've also got a link in the blogroll ;-) Congrats on the new place you've got here and best wishes!
    Have a great day!!!

    1. Why thank you kindly Jeff. I 'spect I'll be dropping by your place to say hello.

  4. Lex was my blog-father. I first contacted him back in 2004 simply to express my thanks thanks for what he was doing with his blog. One thing led to another and I started EIP in 2005 with his encouragement. The man was more than a blogger, more than a Nasal Radiator, he was bigger than life in more ways than one. We do miss him.

    Which is a roundabout way of sayin' "Welcome to the club," Sarge. Keep on keepin' on!

    1. Always good to hear from a fellow MSgt, Buck. I do swing by your place quite a bit, you're definitely on my daily read list.

  5. Outstanding! And welcome to the blogosphere!

    1. Nice to hear from you Homefront Six, I recognize your handle from around the neighborhood. Thanks!

  6. Right on Dude! A few years back, Lex and a few others, inspired me to to the same thing.

    1. Awesome, another blog to check out! This blogosphere is a pretty interesting community. (Hhhmm, this may save me a lot of money on books with all these blogs to check out. Nah, I'll keep reading books too. But like Hogday mentioned, so many books, so little time.)

  7. A nice beginning Sarge, welcome to the blogosphere; and recall that a journey of a thousand miles begins with one step, which you've successfully taken.

    Oh, and don't forget the drop cloths while painting :)

    My Regards

    1. Great to hear from the Jolly Rogers! My oldest daughter (a nuke SWO) actually got me a VFA-103 t-shirt a couple of years back. I wear it proudly. I proudly admit I'm a Naval Aviation junkie. One of the topics of a future entry as a matter of fact.

    2. Oh yeah, drop cloths. I knew I forgot something!

    3. Oops. just saw I bigger shot of your Avatar. VFA-84, not VFA-103. I got all excited and got my wires crossed. Sorry Bob. Blame it on my Air Force brain. My son-in-law, Big Time (VFA-136), would've known that from the git-go!

  8. F4 groundies can wrench it with a Guinness in their hand!

    1. HD, thrilled by your presence your honor! Now I can claim to have a reader from across the pond. (F4 groundies can do darn near anything, especially if Guinness is involved!)

  9. Hey Sarge - nice start! Seems fitting to make a tribute to the man who connected us all to begin with.

    Welcome to the blogosphere! Linkage done on my side.

    1. Right back at ya Kris. Linkage accomplished here as well. Still a work in progress but I'm getting there. Glad you could stop by!

  10. Welcome to the blog world.
    I've a soft spot in my heart for zoomies. . .
    was stationed at tri-service bases plus, worked
    for the USAF at Tempelhof Central Airport, Berlin,
    Myself. . . I'm retired army.
    I've a blog, inspired by Lex, at:
    You're welcome to come on over and brouse.
    -Joe Welsh

    1. Just stopped by, just a peek really but I like the look. I've added you to my blog list so I don't forget to stop by when I can stay longer. Retired Army is awesome, in the paternal line my great-grandfather, grandfather, Dad and his two brothers were Army. On my mother's side, had a great-uncle in the 4th ID, went ashore at D-Day, wounded in the Huertgen Forest. Myself and two of my cousins, were Air Force. Kids are all Navy. Perhaps the grand-kids will be Marines? Who knows?

  11. You've done very well, and are doing even better. My .mil career started in AFROTC, ended in the USMC, and ... WWLD? Wordpress or Blogger? Roll my own? Not to start with. Stay tuned.

    1. Hey Htom, welcome aboard! I went with Blogger because it's free. Having a great deal of Scots blood in me, I'm frugal. (CINCHOUSE says that's just a fancy word for "cheap!)

  12. Glad you kicked things off here, AFSarge. Looks 'ret nice so far. Will be checking in regularly to keep an eye on things.

    1. Padre! Great to hear from you! Let me know when your outfit returns stateside (consistent with OPSEC etc., of course). I recall you're in a Rhode Island National Guard unit out of Quonset. As I'm just across the bay in Bristol, would love to welcome you folks home.

  13. LOVE IT. Really like the introductions. I'm "Tuna" on Lex's old place. I like that your kids joined the military vice the Air Force! ha ha. I did the same- Mom was USAF (but Gpa and Dad, Uncle were career Navy + 2 career marines in the bunch.) I'll bookmark you asap. Any way to comment with my old avatar like on NepLex?

    1. Hi Tuna, nice to have you aboard. The way I do the avatar thing was tipped to me by either Hogday or Joe in California, I forget which (as you get older the mind is the second thing to go, hair was actually first to go in my case) over at Lex's place. Go to "" so easy to use, even I figured it out.

    2. I used that to get my S-3B sunset gravatar for Lex's place and other blogs I comment on, but it's not automatic with your place like it is elsewhere. Anything I'm doing wrong?

  14. Welcome, but be advised, blogging can be addictive!

    1. And you couldn't have warned me before I started? It's way more than addictive. CINCHOUSE fears for my sanity. And hers!

  15. Very nice. And I especially like the plane pr0n. Blog on, sir!

  16. Hey fella! lotsaluck! You a Phantom Phixer like Mongo was in the Marines? Ever stationed at DaNang, George, or RAF Bentwaters/Woodbridge? We had the D-Model@Woody while the other 2 Sq@Bentwaters had the C-Model. All Cs @DaNang. And the KY ANG had the RF4C, but such a long waiting list that they converted to C-130s before my name came up, so that was that.. was really a glut of people leaving in the early to mid 70s..

    1. Hey VX, what's shakin'? Yup, I was a Phanton Phixer back in the day, Weapon Control Systems. Worked C's and D's at Kadena, D's at Kunsan, trainer maintenance at Lowry AFB (now that job was sweet!) After the gig at Lowry, the AF decided to edumacate me, got a degree and became a bit-whacking wheenie for the rest of my AF career. Did miss the flight-line at times, but only when the weather didn't suck!


Just be polite... that's all I ask. (For Buck)
Can't be nice, go somewhere else...

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