
Praetorium Honoris

Friday, October 5, 2012

Off the Grid

That's yours truly. Amidst a world of technology, lately I have been "off the grid". Not off of my computer, no. I've been trying to stay current with my blog reading list and following things on-line. But mentally, I have definitely been "off the grid". If you could look behind my eyes, you'd see this:

Yup, that's right. The old brain box claims to be doing something, but you know it's just hung. Thank the Lord it's the weekend, time for a mental re-boot of my aging neural-network. See if I can't get a few more neurons firing before Saturday comes.

Besides which, it's October already. Five days into October and I have not posted yet. Ridiculously lazy of me I know. There are no doubt many of you who have been breathless with anticipation, awaiting my next post.


Well, one or two of you at least. Right?


Alright, I get it. Not feeling the love.

As you may be able to tell, I desperately need to find something, anything to post about. Perhaps tomorrow? But as I always say, "When in doubt, throw some Monty Python at 'em!"

Before putting the video up, I would first like to apologize to my Canadian friends in the Great White Up. Being of (partly) Canadian descent myself, I'm merely poking fun. Please don't go and riot or burn down any maple syrup stands. Please.


  1. Yup... that's the problem with sex on the telly... ya keep falling off. ;-)

    1. Heh. I see you jumped right to the main point of that video Buck.

  2. You didn't post anything new for five days? Huh...I didn't even notice there wasn't any new content, mainly because your carrier picture is so big and I didn't want to scroll down to see...(guffaw!). Just kidding. I did check daily and just figured you had more important things to deal with- like your new grandkid, or all the wonderful political news out there. How 'bout that debate though?

    1. Oh Brother, thou dost wound me so. Yeah, the reason for the lack of posting has been two-fold: busy with other stuff (primarily work-related) and the dismal political scene has trashed my morale. Though the debate did make me feel better. I do believe Romney kicked the One's a$$. Of course, 'tis a big target.


Just be polite... that's all I ask. (For Buck)
Can't be nice, go somewhere else...

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