
Praetorium Honoris

Saturday, December 22, 2012

Quiet Night at Chez Sarge

Not much is going on here at Chez Sarge tonight. Christmas is just around the corner, the kids are all scattered to the four winds so this year the holiday is going to be quiet. The Missus indicates that a quiet, no muss, no fuss holiday is just fine with her. Considering the amount of work she puts into family gatherings, I can see her point.

I seriously am shy of material tonight as well. But while visiting over at Buck's place I was reminded of this truly outstanding lady. Went out, found a bunch of her stuff on the Tube of You-ness and decided to share this one with you. Enjoy.


  1. It's gonna be the same sort of Christmas chez moi, too. But then again, it always IS. ;-)

    "Right Hand Man" might could be my favorite Joan O. tune; I know the album from which it comes is definitely my favorite. That's the album that got me started on the woman and I've yet to stop.

    1. "Right Hand Man" is definitely my favorite. "Pensacola" is second. The album "Relish", I can't think of a bad song on that album. I hadn't listened to any of her stuff in a while, glad you reminded me!

  2. Have a very wonderful holiday, be Christmas quiet or full of joyful noise. Here's hoping the best for you and your entire family in the coming year.

    1. Thank you very much Brigid. May your holiday be bright, and filled with love, joy and (of course) bacon! Best wishes to you and yours, now and always!


Just be polite... that's all I ask. (For Buck)
Can't be nice, go somewhere else...

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