
Praetorium Honoris

Sunday, January 6, 2013

Sorry, But I Had To Do It

Yes, boys and girls, the spammers have won. The maladjusted morons who (for the most part) live in "The Turd World" have forced me to ban "Anonymous" users from commenting on this here blog-o-mine. (By the way, that "Turd World" phrase, I lifted that from the DiploMad, read this for the full explanation. A brilliant post by him as well. Perhaps, "as always" would fit as well.)

Yes. I'm officially tired of reading bogus comments from some asshole, shilling some asshole's website which is selling some other asshole's crappy product over the Internet. But many of those were somewhat humorous grammatically, so I let them linger. For a time. But now they've stepped over the line.

When comments slip by Blogger's (mostly) efficient spam-blocker and get posted where real people can see them and when they are discussing some Turd World dweeb's (lack of) sexual prowess with (of all people) Brittany Spears, that's where I draw the line. I mean it's possible that someone's kids could be reading this stuff!

(And yes, normally I won't even use the word "asshole" without typing it as "a$$hole". But today I make an exception. For dramatic impact if nothing else.)

So for the one or two real people who have commented here using "Anonymous", my apologies. Now you're going to have to figure out how to comment non-anonymously. (Is that even a word?)

For you assholes out there on the Internet who spam people, spam elsewhere. I'm done wi' ye!

God forbid and they persist, thus forcing me to resurrect the "prove you're not a spam-bot" 
Eye Chart nonsense. Ya know, this stuff:

E-gads those annoy me. Though some of my friends use it and I understand. But I'd rather not use it here. We shall see. We shall see.

For now I'm not re-instituting the Eye Chart, I hates it I does. So does Buck in Portales. Harrumph. Perhaps I'll post something more light and cheerful later. Maybe. Right now? Harrumph, just harrumph.


  1. I hear you... I get more spam than comments anyways, and banning anonymous seems to have taken care of it...

    1. New Year, new avatar I see. Yeah, some of the anonymous comments were funny. Now they're getting somewhat disturbing. So banned they are. Sigh...

  2. I hated to do it, but I had to install word-verification. Those pesky Russian spammers were pounding the bejeebers out of the comments section. They somehow managed to get past the spam-blocker, which sent 7,000+ comments to my spam folder in one month! And then I had to delete them all, page by page. Sadly, I caved.

    1. Ah yes, the Russians. Somehow, throughout my life, it has always been the Russians acting as my bogeymen.

  3. But your verification-free site has given me a taste of the old days. FREEDOM!!!!! LIBERTY!!!

    1. My French blood always makes me want to cry out:

      Liberté, Égalité, Fraternité!

      So for now, I remain, verification free.

      Someday, maybe when my blog is all grown up, I might see more comments. And perhaps have to institute more (ahem) draconian controls. (Re: Your previous comment as to 7,000+ spam comments in a month. I envy that sort of attention!)

  4. Spammers give Spam (the mystery meat) a bad name. I with you on the ban.

    1. There were only two things one my uncles (a WWII vet) truly disliked. Germans and Spam (the meat, not the other).

      The Germans because they would shoot at him, necessitating him shooting back and Spam because that's what the Army fed him. While he was engaged in trading shots with Germans.

      For my part, I love the Germans (was stationed there for 7+ years) and I have no heartburn (pun intended) with Spam. My wife has some delightful recipes which feature Spam.

      And none of the Germans I ever met shot at me. Of course, they are our allies now. In my uncle's day, not so much.

  5. Some of the spam IS entertaining but the sexually-oriented stuff is NOT. None of those guys have made it through the spam-trap at EIP so far, but if they do I'll ban the Anons, too.

    Thanks for the linky-lurve!

    1. Yeah, the perverts started slipping past the spam filters last week. So I had to throttle the anonymous option for comments.

      Throwing in a link to your place is always worthwhile. Because your Blog-Fu is very strong Grasshopper!


Just be polite... that's all I ask. (For Buck)
Can't be nice, go somewhere else...

NOTE: Comments on posts over 5 days old go into moderation, automatically.