
Praetorium Honoris

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

The Insanity in LA

Unless you've been off-the-grid or living under a rock the past few days, you know that there is a murderous lunatic on the loose around Los Angeles. The name of this idiot doofus will not be uttered here as that's what these dorks want. Publicity.

Six has an excellent post on the topic, here. Six knows his stuff, he's been there, done that. As a soldier AND a police officer. Read his take on things. Some good stuff there. (As always.)


  1. It isn't just in LA.
    It is everywhere.
    But the media is in LA and can focus without getting of their ass.

    1. You're right Skip, it IS everywhere.

      Hhmm, "focus without getting off their ass", I may (ahem) "borrow" that at some point in time.

    2. The really sad thing, now, is the media will now beat this to death for the next week until everyone forgets what ol'whatshisname in Washington said.

    3. Good point Skip. I wonder if this is not all part and parcel of the "bread and circuses" approach to government.

  2. The thing that bothers me is all the shootings of apparently innocent civilians in this whole thing. i find it very disturbing as well.

  3. I saw a tweet about this either yesterday or the day before and I'll quote (badly) from memory: "The LA sheriffs can't find a 300-pound black man in a SKI RESORT?"

    That pretty much describes the ineptitude we're seein' here.

    1. OTOH, the government also had trouble finding a 6 foot 5 inch Arab guy dragging a dialysis machine around the mountains of Pakistan too. Okay, they found him, it just took over ten years.

      So the sheriffs have lots of time to break THAT record.

  4. Thanks brother. News is he's probably deceased this evening and that is a very good thing though the cost was high.


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