
Praetorium Honoris

Friday, March 8, 2013

The NORKs Are At It Again

Sad Faces in North Korea...   Why?
Uh, because they live in North Korea.
Yes the NORKs (NORth Koreans) are in the news again. Apparently Kim Jong Un (the son and successor to the late "Dear Leader", Kim Jong Il)  has threatened to nuke the United States, among other things. Now there is also concern that UN sanctions against North Korea may play into North Korean propaganda.

Hhhmm, how would that work? Well, here's what an employee at a NORK shoe factory said:

"The sanctions are a trigger, a confrontation," said Kim Myong Sim, a 36-year-old who works at Pyongyang Shoe Factory. "History has shown that Korea has never even thrown a stone at America, but the U.S. still continues to have a hostile policy toward my country." 
If North Koreans have "the respected general's order, we will wipe Washington from the Earth," she said, referring to leader Kim Jong Un. She said North Koreans have "already suffered sanctions in the past, but we have found our own way and have become self-reliant."
Yes, they've shown themselves to be completely capable of starving themselves to death without any outside help. Here's the whole article over at Fox News.

I'm just surprised the Obummer hasn't apologized to them yet.


  1. I can think of nothing intelligent to say about this.
    It's like some really, really bad joke has been foisted upon the world.
    Worse, it is contagious (see Iran).

    1. Yes, Iran and the NORKs. What a wonderful bunch. There is some speculation that the latest NORK-Nuke test was of an Iranian nuclear device. Believe their first two tests were of plutonium-based bombs and the latest was uranium-based. Not sure how one can tell, but I had a buddy back in the day whose job was monitoring this kind of thing. Seismology, satellite imagery and the like. I would be "all at sea" trying to understand the details, but it does make one raise an eyebrow.

  2. Those are some uglee wimmen in the ranks there.

    1. Yeah. My experience in SOUTH Korea was that most of the ladies were attractive, you had to look harder to find a fugly.

      You also notice that the ladies' hats don't fit all that well?

  3. The most dangerous people are people who have nothing and therefore have nothing to lose. Instead of sanctions we should start shipping stuff to No. Korea. Cars, dishwashers, TV's all for free but requiring infrastructure. Let the No. Koreans build infrastructure that the people would demand rather than bombs...Hmmm might be a future "Cranky Saturday Opinion" post.

    1. Heck Joe, I like your idea. That would also screw up their propaganda! You should run with that, sounds like an excellent idea for a post. I know I'd read it.

      Oh, wait a minute, I always read your blog. I'm sure others would like it too. I'd probably link to it. Gives you a post AND me a post. It's a win-win, Joe. (Of course, you'd be doing most of the heavy lifting.)

    2. I read Joe's blog, too
      ...just don't comment

    3. You do get around don't you IT?

  4. I read an article in the Mail about the N. Koreans and their leader(!) Studying the pictures of the military Officers (don't they have some weird looking hats?) you can almost see the fear in their faces. When one nutcase has the power of life and death over everyone, it shows. What a miserable place.

    1. It is perhaps one of the most frightening and miserable places on Earth. Truly North Korea is Hell on Earth.


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