
Praetorium Honoris

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

I Am Sad, I Am Angry

So, who still thinks we're not at war?


  1. THere is no proof these attacks were caused by radical Islamist extreemists. They could have been from....

    Yup, you are right we are still at war!

  2. Who makes war on children?
    I liked Skip idea for how to deal with them
    Freakin' cowards

    1. Right there with you Ivan. Skip has the right idea.

  3. I just want to stand on a corner and call the cowards out.

  4. We are becoming so inured with all the violence in this country. To the point where the Texas student's knife rampage last week barely made a ripple. In DC they are heavily debating gun control, almost seems moot with bombs and knives in the news. Typical of the Liberal Types, instead of facing the issues - ie mental health, terrorism, et al - they want to remove guns in order to stop violence. Bombing on Patriots' Day, while more of the Liberal Types whine about closing Guantanamo. There are consequences to bad decisions, let the senators debate how the violators should be punished not set boundaries on what shouldn't be done.

    1. BTW, The Texas Knife rampage was right across the street from my little nephew's Elementary School and just down the block from my older nephew's Middle School and in my Brother's School District as a Police Officer for Cy-Fair Independent School District.

    2. Damn CG, that's awfully close to home isn't it?

  5. Sarge, I can't say anything other than paste what I posted over on the FB group to a post of Denise's

    Initial thoughts from me fwiw: PIRA were using post boxes and litter bins all over London. You won't see such things these days as they disappeared years ago. Home made explosives (Homex) was the norm and they got better and better. A skilled homex bomb maker could produce a blast >90% that of commercial/military explosives with stuff you can buy in a store. Result? Fertilizer/weedkillers in Northern Ireland was diluted at source of manufacture to weaken the mix drastically. That looked to me like homex. Lucky the blast went upwards, which makes me think it was quickly placed with no time to set its optimum angle. I have seen homex in a can of coca cola do a lot of damage. Whoever did this will be studying the footage. IRA did this and saw where we would set up our RVP's. It led to the `secondary` device. What happened yesterday, the other blast, was not a secondary device, it was all part of the main hit as the article implied. A `secondary` will go within 30 mins to an hour, its aim is to kill police, fire and medics, hence we had to search and clear our RVP's first. Your header is spot on. Re group, focus, search, keep calm, carry on. No lashing out, no lightning retaliatory strikes. Intel and science and skilled law enforcement and a vigilant and educated public willing to talk, will catch these maggots. I am so sorry you have suffered this blow. It brings back so much. Ugh.

  6. And of course the SSI bomber here where I live-Iraqi Muslim who couldn't get green card as there was some question of terror related activities in the past, his story has all but disappeared from the news.

    1. Yes, I think you mentioned that over at the DiploMad. I really had to hunt to find that story. Of course Muslims with bombs aren't a problem in this country. Right? (/snark off)

    2. nope not a problem at all


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