
Praetorium Honoris

Thursday, April 4, 2013

I Could Not Believe This

God forbid the "Royal" family has to forego a vacation (or three).

God forbid that the pResident has to forego a trip to a fundraiser.

No, let's cut things no one will notice.

Read this and be sickened, as I was.

Things have to change, before it is too late...


  1. Might be different if overseas military could vote, but I think their ballots tend to get lost.

    1. Sometimes they don't quite get lost. Merely misplaced. Then you have the "Oh, here they are! What a shame, it's too late now." situation.

  2. I am now remembering a long forgotten expletive that was used many times when I was deployed on that tin can.
    I can just here a GI reading about it and saying to himself, "_ _ ck me!"

    1. I do believe that particular phrase crossed my mind when reading Navy Jeep's post.

  3. Things have to change, before it is too late...

    I fear it's already too late, as much as I TRY to remain optimistic. (sigh)

    1. I know. There are nights I actually lose sleep over this government!

  4. I heard the monetary stats on the Biden overnighters in London and Paris and had to pick my brain up off the floor (it jumped out of my ears, in a vain attempt at suicide.) No wonder they want to take away folks' guns. I'd be afraid of being shot, too, if I misappropriated tax money in the same manner as they do.

    1. I'm not sure how familiar you are with the history of France, but our nation's monetary and budget antics remind me a great deal of France just before the Revolution. I think that's why the masses get lots of free stuff too. God help us if that runs out!


Just be polite... that's all I ask. (For Buck)
Can't be nice, go somewhere else...

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