
Praetorium Honoris

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

It's That Time Of Year...

I haven't done my taxes yet.

I was going to do them over the weekend. One thing led to another, then suddenly, the weekend was over. Well, it wasn't that sudden. I could see it coming to an end. It lasted the same length of time as any other weekend. (Except those two weekends where you're either "springing ahead" or "falling back". Those are different.)

I suppose I'll need to get them done soon. It's tough when you know that the government is going to waste a lot of the money they take in. That would be your money and my money they're wasting. So the impetus to get the taxes done suffers somewhat. But April the 15th is going to be here pretty dang soon. So I better get to it.

Still and all...


Blogging might be light the next few days. Those tax forms are not going to fill themselves out. I gave them the opportunity and they squandered it. They just laid there, smirking at me.




    If you file for an extension, you can put it off a little longer, yet.

    1. I could...

      Nah. I'll just suck it up and get it done. Usually only takes me a few hours. I have no complicated tax stuff.

  2. If you are getting a refund the deadline is meaningless...they will not fine you for asking for YOUR money a couple of days late.

    Just in case you want to delay some more.

  3. least I never got fined.

    1. Can I tell them "Joe said it was okay"?

      Didn't think so...

  4. You had to bring that up, didn't ya? I finally did my taxes last week and I'm kinda-sorta regretting my decision to become a New Mexican (as opposed to bein' a Texan, which I was before last year). "Kinda-sorta" isn't completely accurate, it's more like TOTALLY PISSED. That's because Texas has no state income tax; NM, OTOH, required me to contribute nearly $2,000.00 of my ill-gotten gains to the state treasury, half of that sum bein' a check written to cover what wasn't withheld over the course of the last year. Which, of course, leads me to ask "for WHAT?"



    1. Sorry about that. A painful topic for painful times. What makes it worse is that you know the dumb sunsabitches are going to waste most of it.

  5. I'm proud of you for a) filing your own taxes , and b) paying your 'fair share' I'll just go and play in traffic for awhile...that's nearly as much fun as sending money for greedy $#@!*())(%#ing %$#@!&())) no goodniks to waste...what a great system we have .

    1. I am always tempted to get someone else to do it. Then I realize that costs money. Yes, I am a cheap so-and-so. Why do you ask?


  6. I am in the exact same position. Several times now I have sat down, loaded up the TurboTax and . . . nothing. No inspiration to do my taxes. I will wait to the last minute and in a sudden burst of adrenaline I will "do my taxes." Right now, the sun is out, there is a breeze blowing, and fell like going for a walk . . . taxes be damned!

    1. Heh, you obviously have your priorities in order. I just had a moment of panic, thinking that I hadn't received my Air Force 1099-R. Went to the website, promptly managed to lock myself out. They'll mail me a new password in a week to ten days. OMG! Now what?

      Went back through my paperwork and found the 1099-R. I feel rather foolish, but I go through the same ritual every year.

      The tax forms will be filled out and postmarked as required by the 15th. Why should I hurry?

  7. Unfortunately my taxes are complicated so I farm them out

    1. I like keeping things simple. Not everyone has that luxury.

  8. Being a dumb blonde, my eyes roll back in my head at the mention of taxes. But I'm not so dumb, really. I married a CPA.

    1. Well I'm an old gray-hair and my eyes do the roll thing as well. But I don't have that messy a tax situation so it's just read the instructions, do some simple math and fill out the forms.

      Still don't like it though.


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Can't be nice, go somewhere else...

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