
Praetorium Honoris

Sunday, May 19, 2013

Busy Day

The Missus Herself and I have been on the go all day. Die ganze Tag! But We did make time to eat here -

This place is "new" to us (it's been in our bay-side town for about a year) so we thought we'd check it out. And this is not your full blown restaurant, but more like a small pub, one of these - 

Now I didn't think I'd be a big meat pie fan. I could not have been more wrong. I had this -

It was fantastic! Seems I am a big pie fan. Must be something in the DNA as most of my ancestors came from the British Isles. The Frenchman in me played along because of this - 

You might note that Kevin (our man behind the bar) poured this one, PERFECTLY. Note the shamrock. I was most pleased.

So it was a busy day. But I can always find time to post about Guinness.

For Strength!


  1. Ah, yes, the lovely liquid bread full of B vitamins and otherworldly goodness. Never a bad time to speak of Guinness!

    1. I have become positively enamored of the stuff. I mean, I've always liked Guinness, now the mention of Guinness merits a Pavlovian response.

      (And if you're ever in the neighborhood, the pies and ales are on me.)

  2. Meat pie looks and sounds delicious..comes with extra gravy?!....and Guinness, lot to be said for Olde World dining.

    1. Oh, it was very good.

      Unfortunately, the Missus Herself did not care for it.


  3. I LOVE pub grub what with having lunch at a different pub (well, different in that we had a rotation of perhaps 30 pubs we ate at in our lil neck o' London) every day for three years while in Ol' Blighty. Can't say the same for Guinness, though. I'm much more of a Bitters kinda guy.

    1. Those must have been some good times. Never had the pleasure of being stationed in the UK, did spend a week in London though. It was excellent.


Just be polite... that's all I ask. (For Buck)
Can't be nice, go somewhere else...

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