
Praetorium Honoris

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

God Bless Prince Harry

Captain Wales at Arlington
Warrior Prince, Indeed!

I have an enormous amount of respect for this man. If you only read one blog today, read this one.


  1. And in combat I'm sure there was a special bounty on his head and a target on his back!

  2. Doing a good job making up for those pictures in Vegas.

    1. I don't hold Vegas against Harry. There were a number of times in my military career where I was rather glad no one had a camera. Of course, this was also long before the age of the cell phone with camera. There but for the grace of God...

    2. There were a number of times in my military career where I was rather glad no one had a camera.

      Heh. You and me both, Chris. You and me BOTH.

      In re: Prince Harry. The man walks the walk... what's NOT to love?

  3. Thanks. The things I learn here. I enjoyed the link you provided, particularly the story about 'Harry and the Marine'.

    1. Good stuff over there at Blackfive.

      Wow, my blog is educational? Who da thunk it?


Just be polite... that's all I ask. (For Buck)
Can't be nice, go somewhere else...

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