
Praetorium Honoris

Thursday, June 20, 2013

James Gandolfini, RIP

From ABC News:
James Gandolfini, the actor who most famously portrayed Tony Soprano on the series "The Sopranos," has died in Italy at age 51.
Though I don't claim to have been a huge fan of Mr Gandolfini, I did have an appreciation for his talent as an actor. I have only recently started watching The Sopranos and the depth of his portrayal of Tony Soprano is impressive. It's also a pretty good series if you haven't seen it.

Mr Gandolfini also apparently had an interest in veterans' affairs which you can read about here. While not a vet himself, seems he cared about veterans. Unlike many Hollywood types.

May the Good Lord take you into His Loving Arms and comfort your family, friends and many fans Mr Gandolfini. I for one, shall miss you.

Riposa in Pace...


  1. Dang. Are you turnin' into an Obit-Blog? ;-)

    1. I surely hope not. But both of the gentlemen who passed yesterday provided me with hours of entertainment.

      And it's only during this current road trip that I've been indulging myself with The Sopranos.

      I'm hoping that two "RIP" posts in one day is a statistical anomaly that will never, ever happen again.

  2. No obit for Mike Hastings? Nah, I guess not.


    1. I actually did know who he was. I didn't have a lot of respect for him, hence the "Mike Who?"

      I know I shouldn't speak ill of the dead, but there it is.

  4. Yeah, not a lot of respect for him from me either- not so much for what he did, but for his occupation in general. Not a big fan of the MSM and liberal media as a whole.

    1. I have been behind the curve in checking the comments. Didn't see this until today (the 28th). Asleep at the wheel, that's me.

      Yes, the MSM. I think they are, if not the number one reason things are in the toilet, they're a close second. (Politicians and the stupidity of the American electorate are competitors as well.)


Just be polite... that's all I ask. (For Buck)
Can't be nice, go somewhere else...

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