
Praetorium Honoris

Tuesday, July 23, 2013


I missed an entire day.

Sunday night, minding my own business, noticed pain on my left side, lower abdomen. Dammit!

For you see I have (suffer from?) diverticulosis, which occasionally flares up into diverticulitis. This explains it.

So I figured, to the Doctor's office first thing on Monday. No, this was a bad flare up. Feverish and very painful, so the Missus Herself carted me down to the local Emergency Room. Which is always an awesome place to spend an evening.

Got treated and sent home (which is good). Went to bed at about 0200 hours Monday morning (about the time we returned from the ER) and didn't get out of bed until today (a Tuesday) at around 0930.

So in effect, I missed an entire day.

But I do feel better now, thank you for asking. And because you've all been good, here are some airplanes.


  1. Glad to hear you're back amongst the living, as they say.

    1. Yeah, yesterday was weird. Sort of a half-life kind of event, there but not there. Errgg. Don't wanna do that again anytime soon!

  2. I'm glad you're back up and around, too.

    Man, I HATE emergency rooms. The last time I had to go to one was at SFO General in 2000, where they had armed guards in the waiting room. The guards were needed, too... coz there was every form of low-life in the whole freaking world in there (it WAS SFO, after all). I only saw one incident in the four hours I had to wait for treatment, though... and the guards (plural) handled it well.

    1. Sounds like an adventure. The only excitement in the Newport ER was when the police brought in a kid in handcuffs. Ohm and the two guys strapped into gurneys that the Fire Department hauled in.

      Other than that? Meh.

      Though the "security" they has there was a bit ludicrous. Looked like mall cops they did.

  3. Having had my own bout with diverticulitis, I totally empathize.
    I missed celebrating St Patrick's day because of it.

    1. Missed St Patrick's Day?!?! Now that must have sucked!

  4. See, I TOLD you to seek medical attention.

    1. Whoda thunk it? Diverticulitis causes one to post goofy things.

      Next time Kerry, if I feel the urge to be goofy - it's off to the doctor's! (Or have another beer, which I believe you recommended as well!)

  5. THought I had it s well, turned out to be kidney stone...both suck! Glad you are better!

    1. Kidney stones! A buddy of mine had those, no fun, no fun at all. But look at me, preaching to the choir.

  6. Glad you're feeling better. And the planes are nice. Pity they can't drop stuff on San Francisco behind them there. (Or better yet--Oakland.)

  7. Glad you're feeling better. That's a serious discomfort, from what I've heard and read. God bless.

  8. That runs in my family too. I feel your pain.....Doc prescribed some medicine, but it really doesn't work that well.

    My mother couldn't even look at a seeded food product like a tomato without doubling over in pain and running to the bathroom.

    I have a slightly lesser version, but at 71 years I have to watch carefully what I eat.

    Breaded, fried stuff and salad triggers my problem. And, of course, they're some of my favorite foods.

    1. For me it seemed to be nuts. Peanuts, walnuts, almonds, pecans...

      I have avoided those like the plague for years.

      I too watch what I eat. My doc is leaning towards surgery. A friend of mine had the surgery, now she eats whatever she wants!

      I almost think the surgery would be worth it just to have another Snickers bar! We shall see...


Just be polite... that's all I ask. (For Buck)
Can't be nice, go somewhere else...

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