
Praetorium Honoris

Thursday, August 15, 2013

Can I Be Anymore Lazy?

Alright, so I got up at the crack of dawn on Monday (actually earlier, the birds were upset that I was making so much noise that early) and then drove a hundred miles to go to work "Up North". Worked a ten hour day, then checked into my hotel and found myself curiously unable to go to sleep.

Tuesday, awoke exhausted due to lack of sleep. Had far too many caffeinated beverages of the iced coffee variety in order to function at a somewhat conscious level. Due to the amount of caffeine that was ingested I was able to function quite well, thank you very much.

Got back to the hotel and found myself curiously unable to sleep. Hhmm, I'm sensing a "cause and effect" relationship between the caffeine intake and the lack of sleep. I guess one doesn't really need to buy into the scientific method to figure that out.

Wednesday I attempt to decrease the caffeine intake. Am moderately successful. Of course, by the end of the ten hour work day I can easily start giving a class in "how to move like a zombie".

Back zum Gasthaus and I'm more than ready to hit the sack. Check the TV listings to see which episode of The Sopranos HBO is showing that night. What the Hell? It's on at nine and not eight? Crap. Now I kind of wish I had had another cup o' joe. But on the other hand, it would be nice to actually sleep this night.

Which I did, somewhat well I might add.

But in all this talk of sleep and work, did anyone read a word about putting up a new post in all this time? (And I don't count throwing up a picture and a link and a few words to indicate my feelings one way or the other about the content on the other end of that link. I don't consider that to be a "post". Not enough work went into it.)

No, the number of posts I've put up this week is exceedingly pathetic. I like to do at least two a day. A big (or biggish) one and perhaps a little one (like some cool airplane pr0n and a cockpit video, we likes those we does).

Then it strikes me now Dear Reader, 'tis Thursday as I type this. The Friday Flyby has yet to be started! Gasp!

No problem, I'm off tomorrow. I can work all night on the Flyby.

Tonight I will no doubt fall asleep at the computer. So if the Friday Flyby comes out as a couple of pictures and a lot of virtual drool on the screen, then yup, the Sarge fell asleep at the controls.

I hate it when that happens!


  1. I see absolutely nothing wrong with the photo at the beginning of this blog.
    That's creativity.

    I, too like to post at least once a day ...sometimes a week ahead of time, but at least one per day.
    I am not too picky about what I post when the Muse is away.

  2. Hhmm, I'm sensing a "cause and effect" relationship between the caffeine intake and the lack of sleep. I guess one doesn't really need to buy into the scientific method to figure that out.

    Ahem. We won't dive too very deep here except to say I've been known to get up at oh-dark-thirty, drink an entire 12-cup pot o' coffee over the course of two or three hours, and then decide I need to go back to bed. Which I DO and I sleep the sleep of the just... for about three or four hours, or however long it takes me to get the UCR eight hours out of 24. I may be weird like that, but caffeine has never seemed to affect my sleeping habits.

    Yer mileage obviously varies.

    1. Caffeine has always had this effect on me. One cup will keep me going for hours.

      Then again, it doesn't take much alcohol for me to get a good buzz going. Saves money it does.


Just be polite... that's all I ask. (For Buck)
Can't be nice, go somewhere else...

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