
Praetorium Honoris

Wednesday, October 2, 2013


Tom Clancy
Tom Clancy, whose complex, adrenaline-fueled military novels made him one of the world’s best-selling and best-known authors, died on Tuesday in a hospital in Baltimore. He was 66. (Source)
First Vince Flynn and now Tom Clancy. Two of my favorite authors, dead.

Like many, the first book of his I read was The Hunt for Red October. I have read that classic multiple times since its publication. The story is that good.

Jack Ryan, John Clark and Ding Chavez are among the memorable characters he created. Men whose exploits I looked forward to reading about with each new book.

There are so many of his novels I could mention. I've read them all. But at the moment I'm a bit overwhelmed by it all.

Though, I do want to mention Red Storm Rising. When I read that one I was working with an Air Force Lieutenant who later became a very good friend. (Sshhh, don't tell the generals!) The good lieutenant was a long-distance runner so of course he identified with the Air Force weather-weenie in Red Storm Rising. I used to razz him about that. Puts me in mind of a story or two. I'll tell those someday, but not today.


Like I mentioned the other day, you never know.

God Speed Mr. Clancy...

We'll miss you.


  1. Muse for the ages.
    Rest in Peace, Good Sir!
    You will live forever in our book collections.

  2. Red Storm Rising was my intro to Clancy.
    I liked his earliest books best and have reread many.
    I've read four of the non-fiction Guided Tour series.
    They're full of good stuff.
    Fair winds and following seas.

  3. Damn. He has a new book coming out on December 3 called "Command Authority." I got the advance notification from Amazon this past Monday.

    Wow. Just wow, and NOT in a good way.

    1. Came as a bit of a shock I can tell you.

      First saw it over at Bring the Heat, Bring the Stupid in a post by URR. Stunned me it did.


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Can't be nice, go somewhere else...

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