
Praetorium Honoris

Monday, October 7, 2013

Something in the Air

There is something brewing out there.

Something evil, I fear.

There is a storm gathering.

A nation waits with bated breath.

Will no one step forward to end this madness?

Surely, somehow, we will awaken from this nightmare.

Is there no one at the helm?

The rocks loom ahead.

The ship of state is in peril.

Is this the end?

I think not...


  1. I saw a commentary that compares the situation to the attitude of some of.the folks in DC to the Titanic.
    There's no concept of the catastrophic damage that continuing on this course will inflict.
    It is incomprehensible that these so-called public.servants are also self-absorbed as to cause a wreck.

    1. I am greatly concerned by the direction this administration seems to be heading towards.

      What's next? I'm almost afraid to ask.

  2. It won't be for lack of trying on the administration's part... Just sayin...

  3. So how do I feel? a) discouraged, b) without hope, c) disheartened,etc etc. I've assumed the position, I know what's coming........

    1. I know what you mean Greg. I know what you mean.


Just be polite... that's all I ask. (For Buck)
Can't be nice, go somewhere else...

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