
Praetorium Honoris

Monday, November 25, 2013

Munich, Redux

I don't think this means what they think it means.

Go read this.

And why is Kerry smiling?

Idiots and thieves. Our country is being run by idiots and thieves.

(On both sides of the aisle!)


  1. And thieves who are idiots and idiots who are thieves.

    1. You get it. It's a logical "and" in many cases. (If not most?)

  2. Replies
    1. Great link Buck. (I feel special just getting mentioned in the same breath!)

  3. What a bunch of maroons
    I sure wish we had some smart people working for us
    Is it that it doesn't pay well?
    Or maybe there aren't enough perks to go with the job?

    All there are now are two-faced liars

    1. I think the problem is that people with integrity don't want their good name dragged through the mud by the Lame Stream Media.

      I fear that we are well into the "bread and circuses" phase.

  4. The administration needed a "victory"; or something they can spin as a victory. Somewhat sort sighted by the Russians and Chinese; they are much closer to Iran than us.

    1. Concur WSF, very short sighted behavior by the Russians and Chinese.

  5. I hope you guys are all wrong! I doubt it, but I can still hope.

  6. I don't see this one ending well, and I see Israel stepping in...

    1. I think Israel has no choice but to defend herself. I only hope the West doesn't leave her in the lurch. A slim hope that.

  7. Everything the present bunch has sold the masses so far has been faulty in some manner.
    Why should this be any different.
    What's scary is the so-called beforehand behind the scenes negotiating that went on without notifying our allies.

    They've changed the definition of transparency.

  8. I'm starting to rethink this deal as not being as horrible as I thought yesterday. It has a whole bunch of definite "good" aspects, but all the "bad" points are just worries, or "could be bad." The rolling back of their current capability, enforced by inspections, could be huge. Time will tell, but if Iran doesn't cooperate, we just lock them down again with the sanctions, and more of them. And after 6 months we renew or modify the deal, or clamp down again. However, I don't like the implicit right to enrich point- we're giving up on that one.

    1. Your last point was my biggest concern. Which reminded me of Munich in '38. Also the Israelis can't be happy about it. And I can't blame them.

      If the Iranians behave, then we'll see. But when have they done that?


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Can't be nice, go somewhere else...

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