
Praetorium Honoris

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

New Look

The blog has a new look. (Um, no, not looking through a periscope. Though I do like the photo.)

Those who've been here a while know that I look to do this from time to time.

My blog buddy Pogue, no doubt, will find the new header a bit busy. Well, he is kind of an artist. (See his photo blog.) But I like busy.

Chime in, whaddaya think?


  1. Actually, I like it a lot! It doesn't seem as busy to me, no doubt because of the symmetry. :-)

    And thanks for the plug!

    1. Thanks Pogue.

      Symmetry works for me too! (Any time on the plug Bro. I like your work.)

  2. Looks good to me. I'm not sure Jefferson meant that we should create the NSA to keep on eye on everyone but on the other hand, NASA's got the Hubble and their job was to get a man on the moon. Darned mission creep...:)

    1. I'm guessing our 3rd President would have us be vigilant against an encroaching nanny state as well as outside threats.

      Heh, mission creep. Ya got that right Cap'n!

  3. It's smaller and I can see if there's new content!

    1. Well that WAS in the specifications. (I think...)

  4. There's always someone to piss in the cornflakes, ain't there? Busy, busy, busy. Waaaay too busy.

    Suggestions: Delete the Hero thumbnails. Delete the entire lower third of the masthead; this assumes the title and Jefferson quote is the top third, the three pics, etc. is the middle, and so on. Expand the three photos ("Tuna," "The Sarge," and the "Navy Jack") with "Chant du Depart" centered over the photos, in a slightly larger font to achieve symmetry. Delete the Jefferson quote. That meaning is inherent in the Navy Jack.

    Walla! Simple, dignified, and expresses your purpose in life... err, blogging.

    My work here is done. ;-)

    1. I don't do simple and dignified.

      Besides, like I told Pogue last time, I like busy.

      But thanks for playing!

      Heh. Nice try though.

    2. Well OK, then. You've earned the MySpace Graphic Design Award for 2013. Don't forget the glitter! :-)

    3. I sense a disturbance in the Force. You gave up far too easily.

      (Can I borrow some glitter?)

    4. Ahem. I think the last time I saw any glitter in these parts was on Halloween 1972, when I went as David Bowie. You might wanna ask Virgil.

    5. Though that thought is somewhat scary (you as David Bowie) I can see you making it work.

      Virgil and glitter? (That brought forth a guffaw, I tell you what!) Well, he has spent a lot of time down on Bourbon Street hasn't he?

      Not that I'm casting aspersions on Virgil's character or anything. But I know how those Phantom guys are. (After all, I is one.)

    6. But I know how those Phantom guys are. (After all, I is one.)

      I was thinkin' more along the lines of LSU fans. ;-)

    7. OMG, you're right! I didn't know I tell ya, I didn't know!


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