
Praetorium Honoris

Saturday, November 2, 2013

Nice Work, If You Can Get It...

Mount Rainier from the Cockpit of a Super Hornet
Yeah, sure. There are times when I envy the younger generation.

Especially those who get to fly jets. Fast jets.

Hey, life in the cubicle farm isn't all bad. Hey, it's a paycheck!

Okay, so it's not fun. No fun at all.

But this is...

All photos courtesy of my son-in-law, Big Time. From a trip up to Whidbey.

He's teaching the next generation to be Naval Aviators.

Lucky kid!


  1. It would scare the bejebbers out of me!

    1. Well it's not for the faint of heart. That's for sure.

  2. Especially those who get to fly jets. Fast jets.

    Hey, life in the cubicle farm isn't all bad. Hey, it's a paycheck!

    Okay, so it's not fun. No fun at all.

    But this is...

    Until such time as people start shooting at you, with very bad intent. While it's not completely unknown, MOST people in cubicles don't get shot at. Very often, anyway, certain relatives excepted.

    Nice pics!

    1. There is no safe place these days. Sad to say.

      But yeah, there are no Class A cubicle mishaps that I'm aware of.

      But still, to have one of those babies strapped on to one's back...


  3. Flying Beagles!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    I was a FRAMP Student in the A-7 Airframes curriculum in the summer and fall of 1985 in 122!
    BTW, I have seen the same view from C-9s going to and fro.................NAS North Island, NAF El Centro and once to and from NAS Alameda.

    1. Hope it brought back pleasant memories Glenn.

      Small world, innit?

  4. WHHHAAAAAATTTT???? They're not flying Eagles, they're flying Hornets...I think I'm going to call copyright infringement or something. (Unless your Son-in-Law can get me a ride or something.) Just sayin'

    1. And as an old Eagle Driver you would know.

      I'll ask him. But I'm ahead of you in line. Just sayin'


  5. Heh, yep, not a bad office to work from! :-)

  6. LOL, Juvat. That's the first thing*I* thought of too!

    1. So Virgil, you and Juvat don't miss flying fighters much do you?

      All kidding aside, if Big Time ever asks if I know anyone (other than myself, of course) who wants a ride in the Rhino, I'll make sure you and Juvat top the list.


Just be polite... that's all I ask. (For Buck)
Can't be nice, go somewhere else...

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