
Praetorium Honoris

Thursday, December 19, 2013

Playing Catch Up

Posting frequency is down. The holiday season is upon us and we find ourselves falling behind in regaling you, The Beloved Readership, with stories of family hi-jinks, War Hoovers, and WSOs.

I'm not going to say anything about that opening photo, other than to say, last night it was what I had for dinner. One of my favorite meals. Any New Englander worth his or her salt should be able to tell what it was I had with no difficulty. Folks from other parts of the country may gasp in dismay, "You put that in your mouth?!?!?!"

Oh, one more thing, dinner was at this venue -

One of my favorite places to eat in Little Rhody. If you ever find yourself in these parts, go there. They do seafood, they do steak. Both are very well prepared. And this place sits right on the beach (hence the name).

Oh and yes, Guinness goes very nicely with my choice of entrée.

It was a perfect night, good friends, good food and (of course) a glass of Guinness (or more).

But as I retired for the evening, I realized that there was no Wednesday post. Tuna's post (while most of us read it on Wednesday) was actually published on Tuesday. I missed a day.

I hate it when that happens.

And next week is Christmas, The Missus Herself and I will be off to the OAFS ancestral home land for to celebrate the birth of our Lord with Mom, The Musician and The Olde Vermonter's branch of the tribe.

Three days in the hills of New Hampshire and Vermont (shuttling back and forth across the mighty Connecticut River) and then back to Little Rhody. For one day, then it's off to Michigan for a week.

There to celebrate the dawn of the New Year with Big Time, The WSO, Little Bit, Mom and Dad Big Time and brother of Big Time. Now brother of Big Time does have an actual name (Scott) but I now officially christen him with his very own blog-name: Gym Rat.

Trust me, it fits. In the interests of full disclosure, he's a great kid and a fantastic uncle to my granddaughter. That goes a long way with Your's Truly. (So in keeping with what I just wrote, I now re-christen him "Uncle Gym Rat". I can do that, it's my blog.)

So posting will be catch-as-catch-can between now and the New Year. But I'll see what I can do. I so hate to leave you in the lurch...

Update: The Nuke will be there too. And Bear. And maybe a mystery guest or two. (Now things are getting exciting! I shall keep you all, ahem, posted.)


  1. Fried Clams? Maybe Calamari. (Pronounced Galamat in Jersey)

    1. Fried clams indeed! (Though calamari prepared Sicilian style is also a big favorite!)

      Did some research regarding Galamat, gabagool, proshoot and the like. Seems that in Naples (Napoli) that's how they speak. (Also Tony Soprano!)

  2. Rocky Mountain Oysters? Oh, wait, that's what it would be down here.

    1. Negative on the RMO! (Egad, heard of those when we lived in the shadow of the Rockies. Never had the urge to sample that. Still don't!)

    2. Egad, heard of those when we lived in the shadow of the Rockies. Never had the urge to sample that. Still don't!

      They happen to be very, VERY good. When I was up in NoDak... living in the oh-so-small town o' Westby, MT (pop. 250)... we had an annual Rocky Mountain Oyster Fest, which followed the annual nutting of the pigs at the pig farm on the outskirts o' town. The results o' that endeavor were delivered... in large wash tubs... to one of the two bars in town and all the local wimmen turned out to bread the "oysters," roll 'em in flour, and deep-fat fry 'em, the results served to the assembled multitudes (which would be everyone in town and a lot of the folks from the radar site) in massive quantities along with FREE beer. That was the prime social event o' the season and it's something I'm oh-so-glad I got to experience. I'd do it again and again under those circumstances.

    3. Free beer. It would take a LOT of free beer for that to tempt me.

      (The annual nutting of the pigs - Heh.)

  3. Travel safely, and have a very, very Merry Christmas!

    1. Thanks Rev! Hope you and yours have a Blessed Christmas!

  4. Hey AFS! Ping me at dustanchaff at gmail.

  5. If you would, please drop me a line at Need your contact info.


Just be polite... that's all I ask. (For Buck)
Can't be nice, go somewhere else...

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