
Praetorium Honoris

Monday, January 20, 2014

This Time It's Juvat's Fault

So frequent commenter and long-time reader Obi Wan Kenobi Juvat felt a disturbance in the Force that I needed to post another quiz.You can kinda-sorta guess what kind of quiz it is.

Guess who got that result?

Anyway, here it is. Enjoy.

If you're thinking I'm desperate for material, you'd be wrong. But I am desperate for sleep. Had an 0400 go to take The WSO to the airport this morning. And we're minding our three year old granddaughter for a few weeks while her parents are out skylarking about in their F-18s.

The last time we had a three year old (for whom we were totally responsible for) was 26 years ago. When The WSO herself was three.

So far it's been good.

Perhaps I'm just too tired to notice the chaos!


  1. Mea Culpa, Mea Culpa, Mea Maxima Culpa!

    But, Sarge, I know you took the quiz, yet you didn't post the result. A wookie perhaps? An Ewok?

    Your public wants to know!

    1. The sound bite should have tipped you off. For that was my result.

  2. Yeah, I know. Just wanted it out there in black and white.

  3. For fun I just answered randomly and got Princess Leia, LOL!!

  4. Durned thing says I'm Obi-Wan Kenobi. Not quite sure how that happened.

    1. At least no one has come up Jar-Jar Binks yet!

  5. Says I'm Boba Fett. Not that I'd mind having a real live flying belt, mind you, but it just doesn't seem a good fit.

    1. Yeah, that answer is not you. I can't see Boba Fett taking in and caring for three stray felines.

      But the flying belt would be awesome!

  6. Obi Wan here. Where do I get my light saber and bath robe?

    1. If you fill out Form SW-9-A/1997 in triplicate and submit it with three forms of proper ID to the Imperial authorities you should receive them in six to ten weeks. Or, like any good rebel, steal them!

  7. Chewbacca. Good thing. The only one of them I ever saw was the first one, so if it had given me someone from the other movies I wouldn't have known who it was.

    1. You saw the best one. The first three were okay. The last three? Meh.

  8. I can relate to my character.
    Chewbacca expresses himself about the same a I do when frustrated.
    You captured it perfectly in the clip.

  9. I didn't play bein' as how I'm TOTALLY un-American in this space, or so I've been told. My familiarity with the movie(s) is only superficial, at best.

    But I DO know what it's like to have small children in the house after years of not having them, given that my DIL and the two youngest granddaughters (at the time the only) would come live with me for three months at a time while SN2 was out under the Atlantic on (in?) his boomer. What ever happened to that "best thing about grandkids" thing, anyway? ;-)

    1. In certain circles your unfamiliarity with those films would be considered a positive trait.

      Un-American? I think not. (Watching popular crap shouldn't define people, should it?)

      Ah, yes. That old "best thing about grandkids" thing, I think that's for civilians...

  10. That "best thing" is being able to send them home after spoiling them with love
    Spoil them with anything else and the parents resent you
    Then you don't get to see the grandkids again

    1. Good points IT. Ya gotta know where to draw the line.


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