
Praetorium Honoris

Friday, February 14, 2014

Valentine's Day

Anya wondering what all the fuss is about.
First time in a couple of days where I was really up and about. Showered and everything. Woo hoo. You know the old saying about having one's health? That is true. So true. Even more so now that I have been designated an "Old Fart".

(Not sure if that's an official designation, but I don't question it. That young invincible guy who used to stare back at me from the mirror seems to have retired or something!)

Little Bit has been having a blast today. She's received packages from her Mom and Dad, her grandparents in Michigan and of course from us as well. As she put it, "Grandma, we've gotten so many packages today. Our arms are going to be sore!" (That's exactly how she put it. Though she's only three, she's better spoken than many "adults" I know.)

So I took it easy and enjoyed the company of The Missus Herself and Little Bit. She got a lot of Valentine's Day cards! (The flowers are from The Nuke, tulips and irises I'm told.)

Hope you all had a good day and spent it with loved ones.

Oh, yeah, almost forgot, c w's Friday Open Road is awesome. Well, like it is every week. The man has an eye for good photos.

I've seen vistas like this in Bavaria (that's Bayern for the cognoscenti among you). Doing a bit of research yielded a locale of "somewhere in France". Southeastern France, je pense. (As it's not that, ahem, "hilly" up north.) Still and all, a magnificent photo.


  1. Enjoy the down time, and yep, one helluva picture!!!

    1. Nothing like a couple of days R & R to regain one's perspective!

  2. I breeze in for the Flyby and get reminded of the Open Road.....yes indeed. Thanky.....

    1. Ah, ya know me Rumbear, I'm all about providing a public service.

  3. Glad you are feeling a bit better, Sarge. My brother has been flirting with the same ailment and every attack takes it toll. Being my brother, he wishes it on me, as my dietary habits have never been, shall we say, healthy, Anyway, glad to see you are up and about. I remember seeing the Arado at the Deutsches Museum in Munich way back when, not much on the Reich' social welfare programs, but they did define cutting edge and doing more with less.

    1. I never envy another man's ability to eat damn near everything. Though truth be told, I'd almost kill for a Snickers Bar (peanuts are verboten). Thanks for the well wishes though.

      So Munich has an Arado as well. I'll bet there's no swastika on the tail though. (That symbol is actually banned in Germany.)

  4. That pic could be somewhere near the Pyrenees... just sayin'.

    Glad you're better!

    1. True, the Pyrenees would work as well. Google said Maritime Alps. All I know is that it's an awesome shot!

      And thanks!


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