
Praetorium Honoris

Friday, May 1, 2015

May? Already?

Sunset, 25 January 2015
It's been four months since 2015 began.

It began for me down in Alexandria, Virginia, surrounded by family. The Nuke, The Sea Lawyer, The WSO, Big Time, Little Bit, Hornet Dad, The Engineer (Big Time's Dad and Mom) and of course the pooches, Bear and Kodi.

Soon I'll celebrate riding the planet for yet another revolution about the Sun. We'll be starting trip number 63 a week from today. I shall be in our nation's capital that day, to celebrate this as well...

To say I'm looking forward to that event is a bit of an understatement...

What's that? Pictures?

Of course, I'll take pictures and share them with you. How could I not?

So 2015 proceeds apace. The past four months have flown by.

I've been to New Hampshire, Virginia, D.C. and California in that time. Six weeks ago there was over a foot of snow on the ground.

Now it's time to tidy up the garden, mow the lawn and enjoy the glories of Spring in New England.

Every day, I remember those who gave all...

Out in Sandy Eggo, I visited an old friend.
In the distance, to the right, I met with a new friend.

I have today off, a three day weekend. Next week, I start an eleven day vacation. While I'll be down in Alexandria and D.C. for vacation, I'll probably spend some time in the garden here at home as well over the next few days.

Might even have a beer.

Table for two?

Or two...


  1. That view from Rosecrans is spectacular. A little bit of me will be forever there. Well, forever in the human timescale...

    Enjoy the flyover. Looking forward to your coverage of the event.

    A three day weekend preceding a vacation? Doesn't get any better than that. You have arrived, my friend!

    1. As regards Rosecrans, same here Shaun.

      I'm looking forward to the flyover it will be fun, especially getting to see the kids.

      Somehow the planets aligned to get the 3-day just before the vacation. I will not complain!

  2. Your plans sound wonderful Sarge. I also am taking a three day weekend, though as much to help my body get better as to enjoy the rain we are having. Trying to get insurance crap done so that I can make the monthly Chapter meeting of the USNAA here in Raleigh. Great group of guys. I do love the photo of the sky you posted -a small thing but it is the small things that so often make the difference between just a day, and a great day. Regards,

    1. It is the little things Ron. It takes time to learn to stop and pay attention. But I'm getting there.

      Get well soon my friend.

  3. Certainly glad you made the trip to Sun De GoGo (my way). Envy your chance to view the WWII Victory Flyover. I'll be at the Chino Air Show tomorrow. They have huge collection of WWII aircraft. Love all those war birds.

    1. I trust there will be pictures SoCal?

      There's always some great videos at YouTube from Chino. I'll need to get to that one of these years.

      Along with about a dozen other big air shows!

  4. 179 days til vacation, but who's counting?

    1. Like we used to say overseas...

      "Trees don't live that long!"

      I kid, I kid!

  5. Sounds like a plan, enjoy the trip and get good pictures!


Just be polite... that's all I ask. (For Buck)
Can't be nice, go somewhere else...

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