
Praetorium Honoris

Saturday, June 27, 2015


As the sun slowly sets on another beautiful New England day, I have to pause and think, "What in Hell is going on out there in the world?"

Why do some find it necessary to tear things down, both literally and figuratively? Are their own lives so pathetic and devoid of meaning? What exactly is the government up to? Are they evil, incompetent or abysmally stupid? A combination of all three?

Is this the country I spent 24 years of my life defending? Is this the country my kids have sacrificed for? Is this the nation that so many died for?

This nation has some of the most beautiful places on the planet. Opportunity abounds if you're willing to work for it. Yet there are those who feel that the nation owes them something without having earned it. Where did we go wrong?

What's the end game here? When the rabble-rousers and the social justice warriors are done with the place, what do they expect?

Some benevolent power to take over the land and pay off all the student loans? Free marijuana for all?

Who is going to maintain the roads? Grow the crops? Keep what's left of the infrastructure functioning?

There are powers in this world who seek to enslave the human race. They don't care what color you are or what you believe. All they want is to bend us to their will and do their bidding. They will live in luxury while the rest of us toil and spout meaningless slogans. It will be a land of illusion where only the men with power have any freedom at all.

As I sit here, thankful for the many blessings bestowed upon me and mine by a most merciful Creator, I wonder where all this is going.

Believe me, I won't go gentle into some new Dark Age. Those who think they will dictate to me and those like me will be in for an awful shock. This nonsense needs to end and it needs to end soon.

Otherwise I foresee dark times ahead. The death of the "last best hope of mankind." If Western Civilization collapses, there will be years of destruction and injustice. Do these thrice damned "activists" know that they will be first against the wall? Do they understand?

Probably not, they have proven time and again that they are ignorant of everything except their grievances. All they know is how to be "offended." They build nothing. They understand nothing. They are unwitting dupes of evil. This, I truly believe.

Is this it?

Are we entering a new Dark Age?

I pray to God enough of us wake up soon.

Before it is too late...


  1. Thanks for the inspirational pictures to ameliorate the dark thoughts. I very much fear that you are correct though.

    1. It seems to get worse every day. My backyard is my refuge from the insanity.

  2. Sarge/

    I would demure. As Dylan Thomas wrote: " Do not go gentle into that good night,

    Old age should burn and rage at close of day;

    Rage, rage against the dying of the light."

  3. MSgt B.,
    Another retired MSgt here, and I don't think this is the country I spent 20 years defending. There are days(when I'm not working my way through this 'Great Economic Recovery'), that I sit and wonder where we made the mistakes that led to this.
    I too, have no intention to go quietly if it comes to that. And every day I fear we are closer to that New Dark Age, and I weep for my children and grandchildren.

    1. That is my fear too, what of my kids and grandkids?

      Will they have to fight to get our country back?

    2. I believe some will.

      But will it be enough?

  4. It's certainly not the country I grew up in. There has always been a certain about of - unreasonabilty - in politics but never like we are seeing today. I suppose it's the evolution of it from one generation to the next and even so - SCOTUS legislating from the bench? Political correctness run riot? Race relations going backwards at the hands of race hustlers? And it all combines to put a little - fear - in my heart. For the future of this great nation...

    1. I won't blame all of it upon our feckless community organizer in chief, but he has shown an appalling lack of leadership in most areas.

  5. I fear we will live through a period my late father would call, "The belly flapping principal". With my 71st trip around the sun coming up shortly, I may not live to see it. I've encouraged my children to prepare. And, yes, I won't go quietly.

  6. I don't usually quote the Bible here, but there are truths there that cannot be avoided. Believe or not.

    2Chron 36:16 But they mocked the messengers of God, despised His words, and scoffed at His prophets, until the wrath of the LORD arose against His people, till there was no remedy.

    1. I sometimes wonder if this is, indeed, the End Times.

      Great pain and suffering, followed by boundless joy.

      I wonder about these things. A lot.

      (And the Good Book is always welcome here.)

  7. I cannot read your blog without thinking back to the simpler time in which we grew up. Yes, I get it, change is the one constant. Some change I embrace; medical advances that have made me grateful for living today, technology that keeps in close contact with the people I love. However, the changes like the recent Supreme Court ruling on marriage and the man in the White House telling the world that the "USA is not a Christian nation" and then cherry-picking Old Testament Laws that were specific to the Jews as they left Egypt in order to back up his statement. Well those kind of changes grind my gears. We, as a country, have turned our back on God and His absolute truths leaving us at the whim of any politician's thought process who believes that his(her) ideas are best. Disaster can only follow.
    But thank you for helping keep a good perspective as you included photos of your backyard, which looks so peaceful!

    1. That backyard helps my sanity and inner peace like you wouldn't believe!

      Good words Greg.

  8. This is Obamaland. As many have alluded to it isn't the nation we were born in. It isn't the nation we took an oath to protect and defend and that sure as Hell wasn't the U.S. Constitution the five progressive oligarchs were using in pulling that ruling out of their ass. My reply is the I fly the U.S. Flag I as born under. When America was a great nation even with her warts. My double rigid digit response is the 48 Star Spangled Banner in their faces.

  9. And lastly and most emphatically: "Viva Cristo Rey"!

  10. Great pictures!

    The future's youngsters are gonna savage my generation in the history books. But they won't savage me.

    1. Thanks Shaun.

      Whatever else can be said, some of us kept the faith!

  11. Lie under that tree and take deep breaths. Calming.

    1. Oh I do Susie, I do.

      And yes, it is very calming.


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