
Praetorium Honoris

Tuesday, June 9, 2015


Daisies along the front fence
Spent some time on Saturday playing with the new camera. I have no idea what I'm doing half the time, perhaps I should read those instructions!

The red peonies are neighbors to the daisies and...

... the pink peonies

The Missus Herself continues to amaze me with her green thumb. Everything in this garden was the result of her hard work. Her vision and her creativity far surpass what little things I can do.

Spent some time out by Narragansett Bay, a place called Colt State Park. The Park is one of the jewels of Rhode Island. Well maintained grounds and lovely views of the Bay. It's a place to picnic, to walk, to bicycle and just kick back and enjoy the day.

Both Saturday and Sunday were amazing days, sunny and mild. So pretty as to make a man wonder, "Where did all that snow go? Was winter real? Or just a dream..."

Statue of Senator John Chafee, famous Rhode Islander, namesake of DDG-90
The son is not half the man the father was. Perhaps not even a quarter.


The marshes

Greetings from Rhode Island!

Love this camera, I just point and click. It does all the real work.

Now where did I put that manual...

Back soon with weightier stuff. Maybe.

Depends on the mood.


  1. Well, if you get this high level of results without having read the Dash-1, imagine what you can do when you figure it out. Seriously, nice pics Sarge.

    1. I know. I love this camera.

      I really do need to break out the Dash-1, imagine what else it can do!

  2. Real men don't read instructions. Just ask any woman.

    1. Heh, true.

      We never get lost either and we never, ever, ask for directions.

  3. Nice pictures. Is the statue of Chafee at Fort Adams?

    1. No, Colt State Park, which is in Bristol. Speaking of Fort Adams, I need to get down there, Newport is always a great photo-op.

    2. Agreed. I built my first house (in 1968) on Brown Terrace --off Turnpike Avenue in Portsmouth. On Aquidneck Island but outside Newport. Delightful place to live--at least then. Mortgage was $128.28/month. Those were definitely the days ;-).

    3. $128.28 a month! Dang, that's a monthly electric bill these days. If you have nothing but electric lights!

      Ah yes, the Island. I work in Portsmouth. Nice town but the property taxes are a mite high compared to Bristol.

    4. Fort Adams is all gussied up these days. When I lived in Brenton Village it was a crumbling abandoned ruin and we used to sneak in through holes in the fence and roam around. I really enjoyed living in Newport. I was there last summer and scarcely recognized the place. 73-76, 81, 82, 84, 86.

      Nice pics. I have a camera just like it! It does all the hard work so I don't have to mess about with f stops or film or anything. Point and shoot!

    5. Rhode Island has changed a lot since we moved here back in '99.

      It is a fun camera isn't it?

  4. I have to trick my camera, sometimes, to make it do what I want.
    Most of the time, though, it does just the right thing.
    What I like best is that it does video.

    1. I haven't played with the video feature yet. It's a nice thing to have.

  5. Love the peonies, too bad they only last a day or two.

  6. Great pics and great looking yard. I'm jealous--nature has taken mine back.

    1. Thanks Murph!

      How can you possibly maintain a yard when you're chasing Murphy and Belle all the time?

  7. Let me just say that the son is the merest shadow of the father. Captain Chafee was a greatly respected Marine officer who led an infantry company at the Chosin Reservoir. It is fitting that his statue is at the beach because the man had nads the size of beach balls. He went on to be a great senator who was widely respected in Washington. The son, on the other hand, strikes me as an intellectual light weight who did not inherit any of the strong leadership genes from the father, or the beach balls.

    1. Concur with all that Dave.

      Linc is definitely a light weight. Bit of a loon too.


Just be polite... that's all I ask. (For Buck)
Can't be nice, go somewhere else...

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