
Praetorium Honoris

Friday, July 3, 2015


For those of you maintaining a spreadsheet as to the frequency of posting on this here blog, you might have noticed that the Friday morning post was non-existent. As in not there.

Well, here is the Friday post and a weak one it is.

My old buddy diverticulitis decided to stop by for Independence Day. Silly bastard was here only a few weeks ago. Wore his welcome out he did.

But he's back.

Spent most of yesterday either flat on my back or at the doctor's office. Sent me for a CT scan she did. While I don't normally enjoy getting poked with needles, there were three lab techs trying (in vain) to find a vein. Four or five jabs later they found one. It was a little painful I can tell you. But the three lab techs were all lovely young ladies. Both literally and figuratively.

They felt bad about jabbing the old fellow (me) so much and to little effect. But I played the kindly old gentleman and told them it didn't bother me. Much.

Hearing one referred to as "a really nice guy" by three lovely young lasses was rather heart warming.

So I am hors de combat, so to speak, and not possessed of much in the way of ambition nor creativity. But like the Brits of old, I shall muddle through somehow.

More to follow. One hopes.

Talk quietly amongst yourselves, someone keep an eye on Virgil (the Barbancourt ya know) and I'll be back later.

Oh yeah, go read those folks on the sidebar. They're pretty good.


  1. I do know exactly how you feel. Had the same experience with a couple of young lasses trying to draw blood from me last month. Have faith. You'll muddle through.
    I did. (Tonight I'm playing a gig with my band after a 2 month lay-off. I'm okay but not yet sure of what my stamina will be. Just don't want to embarrass the band.)
    Stay well. You're in our collective thoughts.

  2. Hope you get to feeling better. Internet is out at the house and its a holiday weekend. Mrs Juvat has kindly offered the use of the guest house ( separate wifi) for composing this week's offering. Now just got to find a subject. I know first world problems, right?

    1. Internet out at Chateau Juvat?

      You have a guest house?

      Yup, first world problems.

      (And thanks for the well wishes!)

  3. I did not know what diverticulitis was so Google was my friend. Sounds painful and movement limiting. Perhaps some of VX's magical Barbancourt would help? Hope it passes quickly.

    1. Some of Virgil's Barbancourt would probably make me not care about the pain.

      Thanks Ron.

  4. Doggone it. Get well. My experience is that the young ladies doing blood work are WAY better than most of the Corpsmen doing it in my previous life!! Hint: Take half an aspirin and drink lots of water an hour or so ahead. Easy for me to say.

    1. Thanks Cap'n.

      Half an aspirin and lots of water? Copy that.

    2. The aspirin thins out your blood a little to help with getting the sample. The water hydrates you enough to make your veins easier to find and use. Experience speaks ;-).

      Have a great 4th!!

    3. Well I was pretty dehydrated.

  5. Hope you are on the upswing. Those intestinal afflictions make you generall feel like crap all over. No pun intended. Tried earlier to interject a feeble attempt at humor comment over on FB on the Red wine and medical doobies. It either failed or was deleted. Apologies if offense was taken. Best-

    1. Really? I didn't see it. I love feeble attempts at humor, it's kind of my stock in trade, so to speak.

      Very little offends me Dust.

      Yes, intestinal afflictions are terrible.

      This too shall pass (pun intended).

  6. Just getting past something in the same area - not fun.
    Nothing worse for your self image as God's gift to women than to be called, "A nice man/guy". For those of us unattached, that means frozen in the friend zone forever.

    1. Heh. Copy your last. If I was still a twenty-something I do believe I would have been crushed.

      As an "old" fart, I take whatever compliments I can get!

  7. I had my last go around with Diverticulitus this past winter...........................Dang if it wasn't bloody brutal as well. Two kinds of anti biotics in the horse pill size.........................


Just be polite... that's all I ask. (For Buck)
Can't be nice, go somewhere else...

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