
Praetorium Honoris

Sunday, September 27, 2015

Preview of Coming Attractions

Battleship Cove
An awesome weekend, The Nuke was in town the whole weekend, my blog buddy Murph was in town Sunday. I am just a bit tired.

Check that.

I am exhausted.

Running all over the rocks at Brenton Point, climbing all over ships and submarines wears a fellow down it does. Tough keeping up with the young'uns!

After the Juvat-Tuna interlude I'll have a post jam packed with photos. I have so many it's going to take time to go through them.

I'll have a Sarge-on-the Rocks.

I had a great time.

Qu'est-ce qu'un sergent sur les rochers?

Rochambeau had a great time.

C'est bon!


  1. It does this old sailor's heart good to see all that haze gray paint. :) Looking forward to the pix!

    1. Today I realized that in addition to enjoying the smell of an old aircraft, there's something to be said for the smell of an old warship as well!

  2. I was gonna sneak back and delete my comment from yesterday, but since you already corrected me... ;)

    1. From the aerial photo how could you possible tell that she was 14-feet longer than Laffey?

      A pretty good eye for ships you have, my sailor friend!

    2. Kennedy is a Gearing class DD, which were made into FRAM I conversions (DASH Deck and ASROC) losing one 5" mount, Laffey is a Sumner class which were made into FRAM II conversions (VDS, no DASH Deck, No ASROC ) and kept two forward 5" mounts.The Gearing class followed the Sumners, and were pretty much identical except for the addition of a 14 foot hull plug which provided extra fuel tankage and thus steaming range.

      Of course he might have measured.....;-)

    3. Thanks for that technical detail Cap'n.

      I'll be sharing some photos of that ASROC launcher you mention in a soon-to-be-published post.

  3. How's your head?

    Was a great day. Thanks for meeting up and coming out to play.

    1. Got a nice scratch but I think I'll live.

      It was an awesome day.

  4. Can't tell for sure, but seems to me there is less sarge on the rocks than there used to be.

    1. Truth be told, I have dwindled a bit. Intentionally.


Just be polite... that's all I ask. (For Buck)
Can't be nice, go somewhere else...

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