
Praetorium Honoris

Wednesday, January 6, 2016


Not feeling it at all today...

Too few "real" page views. Way too much spam.

Blogging gets less fun as each day passes.

If no one reads it, why bother?

Yup, life's recoil has me down at the moment.

This too shall pass.

Perhaps blogging while exhausted ain't such a good idea...



  1. Well, I'm a real person who checks out your blog at least once every day and enjoys what you and your fellow contributors post. The service-connected and Napoleonic postings are especially good to read as are the multitude of photos.... please keep up the good work!

    1. Good to know. I'm just cranky in my old age.

      Thanks for the encouragement!

  2. Buck up, buddy. A lot of your readers may be like me. Okay, I admit it. I don't come here every day. Now before you get your panties in a wad, there is a reason for that. I check out a lot of blogs, but close to 100% of them just have little,funny articles and pictures. It only takes a few seconds to click through for a chuckle before I get on with real life things. I like to take more time once or twice a week to catch up on the stories here when I can really concentrate on the content and savor them. Yours is one of the few that is really worth reading. Feel better now?

    1. Feeling better now. I guess this post does come across as rather whiny. I need to get more sleep.

      Perhaps I should eat a Snickers?

    2. You are becoming a bit Betty White-ish...........................

  3. Well, I are a reader of your blog. So you righten the world of at least two humans and a Badger.

  4. I are a reader also. Make that two humans, a Badger and a Wolverine! We appreciate all of your efforts. Memories, musing or analysis -it is part of what makes the week interesting.

  5. We understand Winter Blahs, so, if you want to take a few days off, to recharge, we will be waiting for you when you return.

    1. That's right, Winter Blahs, Post-Holiday Blahs, first week back at work after a long break.

      Blogging may be light for a few days, not non-existent, just light. Maybe. Who knows I may catch a second wind before the weekend.

  6. I'm a real person and a Buckeye. Between the Badger and the Wolverine you pretty much have the whole Big Ten reading your blog.

    1. Cool. I like the Big Ten. Good folks out that way.

      Like I mentioned above, I'm overly crabby this week. Shouldn't take it out on my loyal readers.

    2. And a real Tiger, not an imposter from Auburn or Memphis.....

    3. I'm guessing a real Tiger is one from down Louisiana way?

      (At least when someone says "Tigers", that's who I think of...)

    4. How many dozens of skools cornstitute the big 10 these days, asks the cornhusker.

  7. "This too shall pass."
    Dontcha know it.
    It always does.
    It just takes longer when we have expectations about what it supposed to be like.

    I am here almost every day, just don't always leave droppings.

    1. Have you checked out the Acronym Page?

    2. Why'd you go and get all ORGANIZED on us? I knew where things were on the page!

      Just kiddin'

    3. Hahaha! I thought of that after I finished it, thought of the times The Missus Herself had "organized" my computer room.

      Yes, it will take a while to get used to it.

    4. Feel free to use any or all of those acronyms. As I recall, one of them I actually stole/borrowed/appropriated from you. (HSWHTPFIHC)

  8. Another infrequent commenter here, but read it every day. Just remember it's a hobby, Sarge, and if you want to skip a day or three, then just skip. No biggie; we'll still be here.

    1. I forget the hobby aspect from time to time. I'm a bit OCD with wanting to get a quality post out every day.

      I need to learn to chill out from time to time.

  9. I stop by and read everyday. usually jump here directly from the Rev. Paul's blog.
    Blogs are supposed to be fun. Take a break if it aint, but set a restart date and stick with it.
    I've a blog since 2009 and have had breaks lasting nearly a month.
    You do great work, Sarge. It's enjoyed and appreciated.

    1. Thanks Steve.

      Do I know your blog? I'd like to have a look. Maybe I already have?

      Love Rev Paul's stuff!

  10. As long as you post I'll be reading and you'll get a 'hit' from me. Hang tough. Writer's Bleh is real. I think in part as we start a hew year the blehs affects us all.

    1. Yes, it's official, I was/am/might-be suffering from the Post-Holiday-Back-To-Work Blehs. Or PHBTWB. (I might add that to the newly alphabetized Acronym Page...)

  11. Don't be getting all cranky, that's my thing!

    1. Oddly enough I thought of you when I was being all crabby and bitchy.

      Didn't use the term "cranky" though. Didn't want to tread on the toes of anyone in New Jersey. Hey, I've watched The Sopranos, I know how that ends...

    2. You used it in a response to a comment. I have copyright on that word, my lawyer will be sending you a letter much like the one you received for your pictures.

      Glad your craqnkiness was short lived.

    3. D'oh!

      The responsible individual has been sacked!

      (British for "fired.")

  12. Maybe a new hobby would help. I am going to try learning sewing this year. Oh wait, I mean sailmaking, yeah that's right, sailmaking. Because sailmaking is all sailor like and manly. (and probably sewing is sailor like as well!)

    So far I am doing OK on my resolution to comment more on my must read blogs.

    1. But John, this blog is my new hobby. Er, new-ish hobby, I haven't been at it for four years yet.

      I'm also trying to write a book. Perhaps the new hobby shouldn't involve writing?

      Sailmaking is very manly. (Sewing is a useful trade. I can sew, my wife can't. I'm not sure what they says about me. When I was on active duty the ability to sew buttons back on, sew on new stripes, or sew stripes on new uniforms was very useful. Probably saved me a few bucks along the way as well...)

    2. Yep, sewed lots of stuff on various uniforms, and pants hems as well.

      For me wanting to learn to sew goes way back, maybe twenty five years or so, when the military clothing maker (I forget the acronym) used to be in Philly. I went to a Defense Department reutilization sale and the sale had mil spec Goretex, and the price for the bolt ends was unbelievably cheap.

      The material has sat all this time, and now that I have become used to retirement, I think it is time to make something from the Goretex. I ordered a pattern, and researched a sewing machine and got the one I wanted during the post Thanksgiving sales at a substantial discount. I was a bit surprised to see just how much automatic stuff the machine could do at the price point. Now for some makee learnee.

      I also need to make some silnylon covers for some of the heat press pads I am using in one of the other new hobbies.

      I did not give the machine to my wife, (yes I can be stupid, but not that stupid) it was near the tree with a tag that said it was for me from Santa. Before I opened it, I told my wife it was one of those giant inflatable things for the lawn. (she hates those things) She gave me that "look", and said I think it is a sewing machine. My next wife is going to stupid and good looking, 'cause this one being smart and good looking is way a challenge to keep up with.

      Also need to sew up a bag for my welding helmet and gloves. Think flight helmet bag, but much simpler.

    3. Sounds like you have some cool stuff lined up. Do keep us informed.

      (I too have a sewing machine, one of my jobs is hemming jeans whenever The Missus Herself buys new ones. Not mine mind you but hers!)

  13. This old Navy guy reads you all the time and I am a Yellow Jacket.

    1. And we're happy to have you aboard Chaps!

      Gee, I feel better already!

  14. Read you every day. Inspirational, you are!

  15. I don't know. I stop by here every day and for myself, I'm happy with my half dozen readers and one or two comments a month. They're the best looking, smartest and best read people on the planet and it's humble I am that they read the trash I put up. :)

    1. Hahaha!

      Yes, I'm one of your readers and I'll try to step up my commenting.

      As for me, I get too wrapped up in the numbers. I need to stop that.

  16. Almost always stop by on a daily basis. Except when I get myself stranded in deep snow miles from home, which I did AGAIN yesterday. Not a bad thing, just time consuming.

    I allus wondered how they dug them big guns in.

    1. Again?

      I do hope there's a story there...

      I watched that GIF and (though I'm no artilleryman) wondered if the gun was emplaced correctly. Having to reposition the gun after every shot seems so, I don't know, 19th Century? The whole point of recoil systems was to keep the gun from jumping all over Hell and gone with each shot. So I recall anyway...

  17. I feel your pain buddy. Blogging is hard/impossible to do when you're not feeling it or busy or both, that's why I took about six months off this summer. OK, I didn't really mean to take time off I just got lazy. You, on the other hand, have managed to keep new content coming in everyday. I take my hat off to you my friend. So why am I here commenting on your blog instead of finishing the post I've been working on for my own blog? Just lazy I guess.

    1. I still feel remiss. I mean it's not like I'm ferrying aircraft around the world or teaching people how to jump out of perfectly good airplanes...

      Thanks Kerry.


Just be polite... that's all I ask. (For Buck)
Can't be nice, go somewhere else...

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