
Praetorium Honoris

Friday, February 19, 2016

Taking the Day Off

The Nuke is in town on business, she decided to pay us a visit, we are most happy.

We also have nothing to post, if I thought about it, I could put something up but...

Not today, family comes first ya know. 

Go read those folks on the sidebar, they're worth your time.

Be back soon...

HMS Warspite and Malaya, seen from HMS Valiant at around 14:00 hrs. 31 May 1916 (Source)

I feel a post about naval warfare coming on, any suggestions?


  1. Oh my. Well, there's the series of night battles around Guadalcanal in WW II where we learned the hard way. If you want earlier history, there's always the what ifs around the Battle of Jutland, or maybe the exploits of the only sail powered commerce raider during that same war. Or..well, enough ;-).

    1. Those are three very good suggestions right there.

  2. "Chatfield, there seems to be something wrong with our bloody ships today."

  3. Last Stand of the Tin Can Sailors--Battle of Samar.

  4. If you've any interest in the Cold War era, you could take a look at the East-vs-West tin cans in the Mediterranean in the '70s. Cat & mouse games, and the Soviet machine didn't like it much when we sailed into the Black Sea in '74. (Hint, hint)

    1. Being an old Cold Warrior myself, the period interests me a great deal. Sixth Fleet always had my interest.

      Sailing into the Black Sea in '74? Hhmm, now that's intriguing!

  5. Replies
    1. Correct, family ALWAYS comes first!!!

    2. Of course, I've mentioned that in these spaces from time to time.

  6. The victory of Admiral Yi Sun-sin at the Battle of Myeongnyang on October 26, 1597. Had he not prevailed against overwhelming odds our world’s history might have been completely altered. With that, Last Stand of the Tin Can Sailors and Neptune’s Inferno are excellent books about great sea battles. Interesting that Guadalcanal is remembered as a Marine battle, for every man lost on land, three were lost at sea.
    And enjoy time with your family, that's why these battles were fought.

    1. As you might guess, Admiral Yi Sun-sin is well known in my home, what with The Missus Herself being Korean and all. The admiral is a great hero in Korea. Worthy of a post he is!

      Concur with your thoughts on Guadalcanal, the vicious battles at sea around that island are largely forgotten. Though not by me.

  7. while Jutland might be tempting, I'd say the succesful, but ultimately too costly naval invasion of Norway 1940 might fit the bill. Phyrric victory at sea thathas costed Kriegsmarine the only chance to launch invasion of the UK (especially the loss of 10 DD's at Narvik, roughly half of the German large DD force) - and yeah Warspite, the Grand Old Lady was involved.
    Not your usual LITTORAL combattant...

    1. The naval battles in Norwegian waters in 1940 are very interesting. Great idea.

  8. Maybe one of the lesser known and under appreciated warfare areas, and no, I'm not talking about mine warfare, Riverine stuff. Sure, it's a research project, but you asked.


Just be polite... that's all I ask. (For Buck)
Can't be nice, go somewhere else...

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