
Praetorium Honoris

Sunday, May 8, 2016

These Are the Voyages...

Houston, this is Sarge, over.

Sarge,  Houston - good morning up there!

Smooth sailing so far up here Houston, looks like the East Coast is socked in all the way from the Virginia Eastern Shore up through Labrador. I'm about to wrap up my 63rd orbit of the Sun and wonder if you have any instructions as I commence orbit number 64?

Sarge - keep up the good work, check in with the medical staff periodically and keep on doing what you've been doing.

Copy that Houston.

[Period of static follows...]


[Static clears...]

Say again Sarge, your last transmission was garbled.

Yeah, ah, Houston... We have a problem...

Say problem Sarge...

Ah roger, Houston, seems we just accidentally vented the Guinness tank into space.

[A long moment of silence...] 

Copy that Sarge, switch over to the Jameson's tank for now while we work the problem down here.

Roger that Houston. When's the next resupply?

Two days, Sarge. Two days.

Damn. Alrighty then Houston, we'll get by, somehow.

Roger, Houston out.


Yup, today is my birthday.

Don't worry. I'm not really out of Guinness...



  1. Happy Birthday, you old fart!

    I've had IFE's in my day and done some stupid things, but venting the Guinness tank? No Way!

  2. NEVER press the red button!

    A happy and joyous birthday celebration to you, good sir! I even ran the conversation in the NASA com/sat "sound" in my head. Thanks for the belly laugh! Nearly did the coffee/nostril/snort thing.

    1. Hahaha!
      That was the effect I was going for. Thanks Bayouwulf.

  3. Happy Birthday Sarge! If you were truly out of Guinness we might have to get FedEx/UPS involved for an emergency shipment.

    Funny, that conversation twixt you & NASA was quite believable.

    Glorious weather here today, hope it is in your neck of the woods also.


    1. I'm in Virginia this week. WX in Alexandria is gorgeous. Supposed to rain the rest of the week.

  4. Whew! Was about ready to call SpaceX for an emergency resupply mission...
    Happy Birthday.

    1. Thanks Flugeman. No need foremergency resupply. Yet.

  5. Happy Birthday to you! (And . . . a very merry unbirthday for all the other days of the year!)

  6. Happy birthday. Hope you are celebrating it with your daughter.

  7. Here's to enjoying your birthday with Mr. Jameson and Mr. Guiness ,,,but not too much!
    Also, with your daughters

  8. You've no doubt heard of the Constellation Urion. I believe your little switchology error would have resulted in the Réaltbhuíon Beoir. If I'm reading the interweb tea leaves correctly.

    Happy Birthday!

  9. Happy Birthday My Dear Friend!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  10. Happy Birthday!

    And no one should ever be out of Guinness.

    1. Thanks Murph. You are right, that should never happen.

  11. Happy birthday, Sarge! I thought I heard something about you being a "space cadet" before, but I never believed 'em until now! Bend an elbow for me, too!

  12. Happy Birthday, Sarge!
    (Vented the Guinness...My God, man, your writing has become nightmarish!)

    1. Hahaha!

      Yeah, that is too terrible to contemplate!

  13. A very happy birthday to you, Sarge!
    That was a scary story. I think I need a safe space and a drink.
    --Tennessee Budd

  14. Happy Birthday you old fart!

    1. Hahaha! At least I'm not cranky. (I know, I know copyright blah blah blah.)

  15. Very creative post! Loved it. Hbdty!

  16. Happy Birthday and enjoy. There is a certain satisfaction to getting old. I'm not sure what it is so be sure to share it with me when you figure it out.

  17. Happy Belated Birthday! Venting Guinness in such a fashion would be an abuse of alcohol. Hope you had a great one!


Just be polite... that's all I ask. (For Buck)
Can't be nice, go somewhere else...

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