
Praetorium Honoris

Sunday, July 24, 2016

Hot Enough For You?

Yes, that is the surface of the Sun. No, it's not that hot in Little Rhody.
Here's what the weather map for temperature looked like on Saturday -


Now that's the temperature (yes, it's Fahrenheit, I don't do Celsius), here's what the humidity looked like -


Now to go all scientific on you, there's something called the heat index, this is a real thing, not The Weather Channel, this comes from the U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration so it can be trusted. I mean come on, the initials are NOAA, and God had him build an ark and...

Oh, his name was spelled "Noah"? Uh, never mind.

Still we can trust the government can't we? Bueller? Bueller? Bueller? ...

Anyway, the following chart has been around since I was a wee lad (though it didn't have all that metric crap back then) -

As of the time I write this (Saturday, 23 July, 1645 local) in Little Rhody we're at 93 degrees with 33% humidity. Which doesn't even register on the chart. But trust me, it's hot out.

I like to describe things in certain ways, based on my own personal experiences and observations over the span of my existence. Or at least since I became self-aware around the age of four. (Before that I don't remember much, not sure I even qualified as "sentient.")

So here's the Sarge's heat scale (for summertime purposes, there's a different scale for winter called the cold scale which I might share this coming winter. POCIR...) -
  • If you can jog back upstairs because you forgot your badge and not break a sweat, that's called Not Bad.
  • If under the same circumstances you get a little sweaty, that's called Warm.
  • Same circumstances and you get very sweaty, that's called Hot.
  • Same circumstances and you are so sweaty you need to change your clothes, that's called Freaking Hot.
  • You forget your badge and decide "The Hell with it, I'm not going to work today." - that's called Oh My Lord it's Freaking Hot.
  • Anything above that and the odds are pretty good that you are in Mississippi. Or Louisiana. Or Alabama. Or Florida.
  • If the same holds true but everyone looks Asian, then you're either on Okinawa or in the Philippines.
Today it is Hot inside Chez Sarge. I did venture into the great outdoors earlier today and it was also Hot. Right now, outside anyway, it's Freaking Hot.

Do I like hot weather? Sort of, but not really. I find that as I get older I have developed a greater tolerance for heat and have far less of a tolerance for cold. Though one can put on more clothing in the winter, there is only so much clothing one can shed before one gets in trouble. Or gets odd looks...

Yeah, it's hot. But it ain't Mississippi Gulf Coast in July hot. No sir!


  1. Bearing in the fan of our AC died Friday evening. Tech came yesterday and said they'd have to order the part on Monday. Hopefully arrival on Tuesday. The sun isn't up yet as I write this and it's 89 in the house already. Fortunately, the guests check out of our guest house today, so we'll be sleeping their tonight. So, I'd add Texas to your bottom list, and then add a raising factor to each of "without AC".

    1. the Wicked Witch of the West might say "I'm Melting!!!!!"

    2. I haven't put the air conditioners in, yet. While it's hot, the evenings are cool enough for an open window and a fan.

      So far.

    3. As to "I'm melting," I had a vivid mental image of Shrillary screaming that.

      One can hope...

  2. And there I was feeling sorry for myself because my Heat Pump could not get the temperature below 76 degrees!

    1. It's been around 80 in the house in the evening. Tolerable with a breeze off Narragansett coming through an open window and a fan at the bedside.

      Tolerable but I can't bear to haul out the noisy air conditioners.

  3. 105 here yesterday, fortunately for us there was, and seldom is, little humidity.
    The heat index was 99.

    Inside with the evaporative cooler running it was low 70s.

    Ive been in the tropics where the temp and humidity almost matched.
    That was miserable.

    1. I've seen the temperature and the humidity match in Biloxi. Not comfortable at all!

    2. Thinking back, I'm pretty sure the most miserable I have been in the heat and humidity was one July in DC.

    3. DC is miserable in the summer.

  4. I feel for you, Sarge... As I read this (0620 local) it's 90 degrees with 35% RH. Scheduled high is 113. Yeah, this is the time of year we don't go outside much. :-)

    1. Dang! That's Africa hot, that's "Tarzan couldn't handle that" hot!

  5. I've found that I can handle the heat much better when I'm not exposed to artificial cooling. Therefore, after 'sperimenting with AC a couple of decades ago, I do without. This doesn't mean I think I'm "tough." I do "cheat" by running fans, which sends the efficiency of my own personal evaporative cooling process through the roof. Fans and lemonade and iced tea. Pretty painless in this part of the country really. Low humidity and at our altitude it seldom tops 100 degrees during the day and generally cools into the 60's or lower overnight. I do a lot of physical work out in the summer sunshine too, so a bit of shade and a breeze tends to feel pretty good! I remember with a twisted sense of fondness seeing 90+ degrees and 90+ humidity at 0300 in VA Beach and JayVille and Roosey Roads. Arright, off to work on fence, have a great day and stay cool(ish)!

    1. That's right, VA Beach gets pretty toasty as well. I remember one Fourth of July at The WSO's place hotter'n Hell it was. All the sensible folk stayed inside. Yes, The WSO and I were outside (in the shade) grilling and drinking beer. Didn't seem that bad, but The Missus Herself pointed out that the two of us were "a bit ripe" when we came inside with the food. Off to the showers we went.

    2. Ha! You can always tell the fighter guys. Always.

    3. There, finally got my sea story up. Lotta writing for a "two brain cell" joke sea story. SMH.

    4. Ooh, ooh, and I'm off to read it!

  6. Don't like heat. Don't like warm rain. Is setting the thermostat at 62° too high?

  7. I don't do heat anymore, cold either. Used to be I could handle both extremes pretty well. No more. Right now, it reads 90+ degrees on my back deck thermometer (in the shade). I'm not setting one foot out. The A/C is running and inside, the temp is a comfy 72. Doesn't seem that long ago that I was running around in the wilds of Virginia, with the temperature at 105 and the humidity high. The way we kept cool was to tie a wet bandana around our necks . . . and keep wetting it at the water buffalo. (The supply sergeant, bless his heart, had driven off post the night before and gone to a local ice house to have the buffalo filled with chunked ice. It now dispensed ice cold water in the heat of the 105 afternoon. Coincidently, we suddenly had a lot of visitors from HQ Battery . . . come to "check us out.")
    From my blog, another Hot Weather Tale:

    1. Great memories Snuffy. For me too, it has to be a Coke!

  8. My, you folks are hot, down there. It's 51° F. on my deck, and raining. A bit cool for July, but we like it. We remember the summer heat indices in the St. Louis area, but don't miss them at all.

    1. I'd like those Alaskan summers. But then, I'd have to put up with those Alaskan winters. Not sure if I could!

  9. I broke your Heat Index chart.
    98% Humidity.

    Can't even reference it on a chart. Gotta find an online calculator...
    Heat Index of 349.7F

    Persian Gulf, dead middle of a summer heatwave, out on the water.

    1. Holy Crap! That's hot!

      I will not ever visit you in the summer, no Sir, no thanks. That's definitely Persian Gulf hot (so two of the three progeny assure me).

  10. I guess this isn't the time to mention that we live just outside of Portland, OR. However, I finished growing up in Sacramento, CA. Also spent time in LA ( not the SoCal one ), so I've experienced heat.

    Paul L. Quandt

    1. The only thing which kept me going in Loo-zee-anna was beer. Applied liberally and as needed.

    2. We are to get our hot spell this coming two weeks, or more.


    3. Not something to look forward to!


Just be polite... that's all I ask. (For Buck)
Can't be nice, go somewhere else...

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