
Praetorium Honoris

Sunday, July 31, 2016

Saturday Evening

Hot, but not as humid.
As I sat quietly in my backyard, replenishing the water in the pond, I drank my one beer, and contemplated the fact that I would not be going to a court room on Monday next. While it was interesting and somewhat intense, it also kept me far away from all the hoopla surrounding the two conventions.

Really Sarge? Just one beer?

I have heard bits and pieces on the radio while on the road to Providence (and back again) and realized that I really didn't care who the puppet masters have decided to parade before us come November. For I realize, deep in my heart of hearts, that absolutely nothing is going to change.

The election of Shrillary will simply accelerate the demise of this great nation and probably lead to all out war on the Second Amendment and probably on the police. Oh yeah, that latter thing has already started.

The election of The Donald concerns me on the one hand, yet perversely excites me on the other. I don't think the man knows what he's doing and I'm pretty sure most of Congress will ignore him. The only immediate good he might do is give us a couple of Supremes who may realize that their job is to preserve the Constitution. Not interpret it based on the latest social mores. Judicial activism is anathema to me, but we've had a lot of it lately at all levels.

Last I checked, the Constitution is written in English, a somewhat archaic form of the language yes, but still eminently understandable. Why it needs "interpretation" is beyond me.

But enough of that political shite. It's a nice, quiet Saturday night as I write this. I am a bit miffed that a large chunk of the tribe is spending the weekend in Sandy Eggo, but it does get pricey flying back and forth across the continent. Not to mention the time involved. If the blog ever really takes off perhaps I'll buy my very own Gulfstream. Then again, no doubt Tuna and Juvat would want one too. Only fair I suppose.


Perhaps I'll have another beer, perhaps not. For now, I'm just going to chill.



  1. Bouncy House IPA. Me like...................

  2. Tuna and Juvat can crew the Gulfstream!

    1. Oh sure, more duties, same pay!

      But....If I can have the jet for a third of the time...and Sarge pays for the gas, maintenance and mortgage....THAT could work!

    2. I had thought of that Scott. But look what you've started.

    3. Juvat - if I could afford it, well then I would. I can't wait to see Tuna's demands, er, proposal.

    4. Heck, Sarge, look how much we'd save not having to pay for Radar work! Probably enough to pay for all of us to jaunt off to New Zealand.

    5. Wonder how many G's you can pull in a Gulfstream?

    6. Depends if you want it to continue flying or not.

    7. Save on radar work, aye. Jaunt to NZ, that would be awesome.

      To address WSF's question I'd say that "continue to fly" would be an optimum result.

  3. Sarge:

    Relax, you've earned it.

    Paul L. Quandt

  4. Looks like a nice evening. Important to relax and see to nutrition following an experience like yours.

    Nice evening and morning in Nebraska. Come see the Boomer T-28 that stopped by. Put a smile on your face it will.

  5. Nice Hole Punch Cloud in your first photo.
    AKA Fallstreak Hole.

    1. Naw, that's the Enterprise (N-1701 D)

    2. That could be the NCC-1701S version of the venerable starship, the stealth version. Uses adaptive camouflage, much like the alien in Predator.

      Or it could just be a gap in the clouds...

    3. Hello CG-23! Haven't seen you around since Neptunus Lex days. Don't be a stranger!

    4. He stops by from time to time Virgil.

    5. LOL Virgil. I don't get out to the blogs much anymore. I am active with the Lex FB group. Usually if I comment, I comment on Sarg's link post on fb itself rather than the blog.

  6. Virgil is like Buck. He don't do Failbook.

  7. You still have the coolest yard ever. How's the neighbor's dog?

    1. Hercules remains on watch. If he's not up on their deck, he's patrolling the perimeter. Nothing gets by that boy, I swear. He even makes me give the password every time I see him, or he sees me.

      Well, it's more of a voice recognition thing, I say "Hercules, it's me, calm down." Which he then proceeds to continue on his rounds.

      Let me say this, I'm glad we're friends because he is a very BIG dog. But a good boy nonetheless.


Just be polite... that's all I ask. (For Buck)
Can't be nice, go somewhere else...

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