
Praetorium Honoris

Sunday, October 2, 2016

On Being Lazy

Gloomy weekend. Rain, rain, rain.
Here in Little Rhody it's been pretty damp over the last few days. In the wee hours of Saturday morning the rain was pounding down, the noise actually woke me up. After a quick tour about the manse to ensure that no windows were open (which would be odd given that it's also been chilly as of late during the hours of darkness), I went back to bed.

When I awakened later, I noted three things: (1) the sun was up, (2) the feline staff was not demanding their morning rations (The Missus Herself had fed them already), and (3) I absolutely did not want to get out of bed. Before looking at the clock I did my little morning chant, "Please let it still be early, please, please, please..."



While there was no need to get up, nothing pressing on the calendar, it was Saturday, I felt that to stay in bed longer could be viewed as malingering. Twenty-four years in the military and you feel a bit guilty if you sleep late. It's a habit, even in the Air Force.

I'll be the first to admit, I am lazy at heart. I believe in working smart, not hard. I will put off until tomorrow what I could have done today because, I can.

Yes, I am lazy these days. As one ages one looks for the chance to kick back and relax. It's an art form really.

Which is why today's post is so short.

I am such a lazy sot...


  1. Have you earned your day of rest? And the Misses Herself says?

    1. She's content to let me slack off. It's too wet outside to do anything.

  2. Remember: Never do today that which can be put off until tomorrow, because tomorrow it may not need to be done.

    Paul L. Quandt

  3. 0930 would be at the outer limits of the time I would rise.
    I don't know where I went wrong, but I don't often make it past sunrise.
    Ironically, in the Navy, when reveille was almost always 0600, I found ways to stretch the sleep clock without incurring the wrath of the MAA.

    1. Too many years working night shifts got me used to going to bed really late and sleeping late as well.

      While I enjoy mornings, I'm more used to going to bed around sunrise rather than getting up then.

  4. I am the master of lazy. Late to bed, late to rise, a nap in the afternoon makes you healthy, lazy and even lazier.

  5. That commercial was worth the trip. Hey, laziness is all subjective. For instance, if I was to stop typing this comment before finishing that thought, I

    1. I first saw that commercial probably ten years ago. It's a perennial favorite.

      You were sa

  6. Lazy. I do not think that word means what you think it does. We are not 26 any longer. It takes longer to recover. Sleep is a good thing! All work and no play makes Sarge a dull boy and all that!

    Came home from Church this morning. The wife was working the store, because...Oktoberfest! Got home about 9:20. Laid down and closed my eyes. Woke up at 12:30. Had a lot of things I'd planned to do. A greater power than I decided a 3 hour nap was first on the agenda. Who am I to argue?

    1. We don't want Sarge to be a dull boy now do we?

      Sleep is good. Unfortunately I never developed the habit of napping. Otherwise I'd be like a cat, sleep 16 hours a day then prowl around at night.

  7. First and foremost (assuming I used Google Translate properly) 마님 자신 행복한 뒤늦은 생일

    Have you read The Man Who Was Too Lazy to Fail? Textbook example of work smarter, not harder.

    Bruce Jones

    1. Hahaha, close enough. It's tough translating The Missus Herself into Korean. A man refers to his wife in Korean as 우리 집사람, literally "our house person."

      I have not read that, as it's by Heinlein, I should. Another book to add to an ever increasing list.


Just be polite... that's all I ask. (For Buck)
Can't be nice, go somewhere else...

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