
Praetorium Honoris

Sunday, November 6, 2016

Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood

Saturday was a gorgeous day in Little Rhody. Sunny, bright colors all around, and the temperature was in the upper 50s and lower 60s. What we call warm here when it's November, no doubt you folks in warmer climes would be breaking out the anoraks, here in New England that's still shorts and polo shirt weather.

Noticing that the burning bushes and the Japanese maples were starting to show some color, I decided to break out the camera. One good rain and a bit of wind and all those leaves will be gone. So, I'm going to ease off the history lessons and political worrying and let you see my pictures of the backyard here at Chez Sarge. I don't wish to keep it all to myself.

There aren't many days left like that. Soon I'll be snapping pictures of the snow, hopefully it will be picturesque all winter. In other words, just enough snow to be pretty, just cold enough to be refreshing. Last winter was fairly mild, the one before not so much. Whatever the Lord gives us, I'll enjoy it.

Funny story, I was watching some wildlife show on Netflix. This British guy is up in the Himalayas seeking the abominable snowman, aka yeti. As he and his cameraman walk into this village high in the mountains (13,000 feet plus) I note that it's starting to snow. The little kid inside me gets all excited and looks out the window.

Dummy, the snow is on the screen. Not outside.

Oh well, soon enough. My Mom says they had a coating of the white stuff up in the Homeland not that long ago. Didn't last, but it's coming. I'll take the weather we had Saturday a while longer. No need to rush into winter, is there?

Have a blessed Sunday.


  1. Did they find the Abominable Snowman? What color sneakers was he wearing? ( Stan Freberg reference )

  2. Think I would visit Rhode Island just to see your yard.

  3. Your family did well in giving you that camera, Sarge. You're becoming a regular Ansel Adams.

    50's and 60's required Anoraks in Hawaii, at least to the natives. Round here, a light windbreaker. Still got green grass, but we've had rain every couple of days, so I haven't been able to get the hay guy out to cut. Horses are in heaven though.

    1. Thanks Juvat. I have what you might call a "smart" camera. I just point and shoot, it knows what to do.

      I was just wondering the other day of you folks were still green down there. I'm guessing the horses are loving it.

  4. Very nice pictures, I love those Japanese Maples. Only missing a selfie of a certain old AF Sarge enjoying a cold one outdoors while he still can.

    1. I'll have to get out there and do one of those "having a brew" selfies before the weather gets crappy. Like today, intermittent rain. And cooler, much cooler.

      But it's what I love about New England, the variability.

  5. "Whatever the Lord gives us, I'll enjoy it."

    Me, too.
    Yesterday I was south of here and it was sunny and 74.
    When I got home at 10 last night it was raining.
    Rained again this morning.
    Still in the low 60s.
    I had a full zip sweatshirt for going out.

    The seasonal colors are changing here, to.
    The grass is going from black and tan back to green.
    The upper elevations of the mountains are covered in that abominable white crap.
    At least it's wear it belongs.
    Maybe our next president can get the Canadians to keep the stuff up there?

  6. Beautiful :)

    Last night I dreamed it snowed. Didn't though.

  7. You do indeed have a most beautiful yard. We, also, have a Japanese Maple, however, ours is only knee high. I would love to see it when it becomes as big as yours, but our house is on the market, so I likely will not.

    Paul L. Quandt

  8. Chris:

    Please call me, collect.


    1. I tried to ask you some questions here and got bounced out in a very strange manner. You should have my 'phone number from previous posts. I would greatly appreciate it if your were to call.


    2. Dag nab it, that should be " were...".



Just be polite... that's all I ask. (For Buck)
Can't be nice, go somewhere else...

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