
Praetorium Honoris

Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Kein Schlaf, kein Schlaf überhaupt

As I write this it is Monday night. Monday night after the first day back at work in over two weeks. The DIL, Big O, and The Owl are on an aircraft headed back to California. They arrived at Chez Sarge from Cape Cod last Wednesday instant.

My grandchildren like to get up early. Seven-ish. I like to get up late, nine-ish.

Can you see the trend here? (Incidentally, the title translated is "No Sleep, No Sleep at all.")

Everyone went to bed fairly early Sunday night, well, everyone except me. Seems that I had, without thinking, consumed a largish caffeinated beverage on Sunday afternoon at the cinema, with The Missus Herself and Big O. We went to see Sing, a most excellent film for the children (or the child-like, in my case). In the course of doing so a large Pepsi (no Coke, Pepsi) was consumed by Yours Truly, who was still in "Hey, I'm on vacation" mode.

While technically I was, the following day was most unvacationlike. What with having to arise early and head in to my place of gainful employment.

Hit the sack at 2200 (10:00 PM you civvies), again at 2300, again at midnight. Tossing and turning like a small boat in a full gale I was. Sometime after midnight I dropped off line. Only to awaken at 0230 (2:30 AM, so's you don't have to do the math), again at 0330, again at 0430. At which point I thought of just getting up. Realized that was "crazy talk" and went back to sleep. At 0530, I finally gave up and got up.

The cats were pleased. I was most assuredly not.

Shaved without cutting my face off, showered without drowning myself, then it was off to work in the 8° weather. Yes, I said "8." Not a degree above, not a degree below. And that's Fahrenheit mind you, we don't do Celsius here. (Which I still insist on calling centigrade.)

Cold it was, walking across the parking lot to my building was not fun, but I hardly felt a thing.

I was just too tired to care. One way or the other.

Perhaps I will have something wonderful, witty, and creative for you tomorrow.

I know...

Why start now?


  1. I know how you feel. Yesterday was the first day back for "the rest". Students seemed excited. Back with their friends and away from the folks. Some even seemed to be looking forward to learning something. Teachers seemed to be sleepy,grumpy and dopey. The remaining dwarfs must've stayed home.

    So business as usual.

    1. Hahaha!

      I was never excited to be back at school. I'm from a small town, hanging with my friends didn't require my presence at school.

      I have long been a devotee of time off.

  2. Thanks for the post. I hope you get a better night's sleep tonight.

    Paul L. Quandt

    1. 'Twas not to be. Went to bed (and to sleep) just fine. Woke up at 0130, then again at 0330, etc.

      Maybe Tuesday night will be the charm!

  3. Replies
    1. Most of it is having to get up, and worrying that I'll sleep through the alarm. Which has happened less than five times since 1974. Five, and I think it was actually less.

  4. To sleep, perchance to dream. Yeah, right says my brain on a regular basis. I hafta' use pharmaceutical help most nights. No problem getting to sleep, but staying asleep is the rough part. Once your brain gets used to working again it'll probably settle out? Hope so. Fatigue at work is tiring.

    1. I think once I'm used to being back at work I will be okay. Until then...


      (Fatigue at work is tiring. Now that's priceless that is, love it, may steal it.)

  5. I feel for you Sarge. While fatigue at work is tiring, chasing elusive sleep is exhausting. Sometimes the only thing to do is give in, get up, and hope the miserable day of fatigue allows you to zonk out properly on the next attempt.

    1. I have often elected to do the "the hell with it, I'll just get up."

      Last night I tried that. At 0230-ish I got up, nearly fell down I was so tired, then decided to "just lay there."

      Eventually I will get a good night's sleep. probably Saturday.


    2. Ooh, I like your quote too PA!

  6. My occasional bouts with insomnia were cured by retirement. If I can't sleep I just do something until I can. This week i have jury duty and have to get up early. First night I had insomnia

    1. And that was the beauty of the two weeks off. When I was tired I would sleep, when I was no longer tired I would get up.

      Jury duty. Lucky you. Been there, done that. Interesting, but...

      If you're retired, being required to do anything is a chore. After I retired from the USAF, I did that for about two months. Oh yeah, I'm looking forward to that again.

  7. "If you're retired, being required to do anything is a chore."

    Thank you. Now please explain that to my wife.


    1. Hahaha!

      Not gonna touch that one Paul. You're on your own brother!

    2. Gee, thanks.

      Not that I expected anything else, of course. But a guy can hope, can't he? Can't win if you don't try, etc., etc.


  8. I find when I can't sleep I'm dehydrated. Two to three glasses of water and sleep comes. Since my bladder demands a couple of calls anyway the only difference is sleeping or tossing and overthinking whatever is happening in life.

    1. I am always overthinking things. Keeps me up it does.


  9. The only way I would do eight degrees is if it were eight degrees of separation from Kevin Bacon.

    1. Some people do 8°, others have it thrust upon them.

      Today it's in the 40s, seems balmy in comparison!

  10. Du hast geschlafen in himmlischer ruh?


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