
Praetorium Honoris

Thursday, February 16, 2017

Emergency! Everybody to get from street!

Привет российских спам ботов.

Пожалуйста заходите, выпьет чай.

Теперь, пожалуйста, идите домой.

That all translates, loosely no doubt, to:
Hello Russian spam bots.
Please come in, drink tea.
Now, please, go home.
Seems that from time to time we get a lot of hits from Mother Russia. I've noted that before and it always skews our page view counts. To the high side as you'll note above. Now if we were getting paid by the page view, that would be cool. However, look at the first part of that last sentence -

if we were getting paid

Why no, no we're not. (As Juvat and Tuna have often noted.)

So really, the hits from Russia do not irk me. Much. So let's have a brief parade. Why?

Why not?

Ah, I feel better now. (I don't mind certain Russians visiting.)

So this morning, after I checked our stats, we had an emergency meeting at Chant Headquarters...

A plan of action was laid out. A leader was selected and we prepared ourselves for the Russian onslaught. (Yup, that's me with the sword. The motorcycle and sidecar? Hhmm, Juvat and Tuna? In drag? Nah, couldn't have been. But I wouldn't put such a stunt past them. Ya know how those fly boys are!)

Anyhoo, we had to get ready. Because I knew the Muscovites would be prepared. Totally.

And there are a lot of Russians out there, and they were coming.


What's that? They're all spam bots? Then who are these guys?

Yeah, I got nothing...

It's the lack of sleep I tell ya.


  1. You forgot the best scene in the movie, the low pass by the F-101's. Forced those commies to admit defeat, it did!

    Back to the office this morning, I am. (Had to practice a little Sargh-Lish there.)

    1. Wow, you're right. Low pass by Voodoos, I need to find that.

      Good luck at the office.

      Sneeze on your co-workers, do not.


    2. Should add a Geo-Location filter to your security package and turn off Russia. Consider it reducing some of the botswarm pressure from Russian hackbots.

    3. What?!? And lose all those page views?

      Not to mention the every-now-and-then post about Russians and spam-bots.

      No pressure here, it is somewhat, how you say, amusing?

  2. Good post. That was a funny movie, one that I had not thought of in years.

    Purportedly in 1949: "In full, Forrestal said "The Russians are coming. The Russians are coming. They’re right around. I’ve seen Russian soldiers." Or so the less than honest or honorable Drew Pearson alleges (Drew was a bitter enemy of SecDef Forrestal).

    On a happy note, William F. Buckley, Jr. (one of the people I most admire) declared himself the founder of The National Committee to Horsewhip Drew Pearson. I think that Buckley picked up that habit due to his admiration of Truman offering to put his fist in the snozzle of the reporter that criticized his daughter's opera singing (BTW I thought that Margaret was a fine singer).

    1. Pearson. Not a fan.

      William F. Buckley, Jr., a fan for sure, miss him much.

  3. How would you know it not expats on a vpn? Or some new televangist, or student of history? Or some local agency not wanting to be identified at work? Interestingly, liked the film's. They show the duality of politics, and the common man.

    1. Hahaha! Could be James, could be.

      I liked the movie for the same reasons as you. Of course, it was also very funny.

  4. I'd be interested in what the bots are up to. So far they don't seem to affect anything but the stats.
    Comrade Cranky

    1. You too?

      It's not all the time, just every few months or so. I have no idea what they're up to, but yeah, it's only the stats that are being skewed.

  5. I'm seeing an uptick from Rodina Mat', as well.

    1. It's like a periodic, plague of locusts kind of thing.

  6. I wasn't very impressed with the armed troops, they looked rather like the USAFA contingent at the Inaugural Parade. However, I did identify the potential for some people-to-people naval maneuvers.

    1. Hahaha!

      Nice dig at the USAFA. People-to-people naval maneuvers, aye.

  7. That fighter pilot video brought to mind a number of jokes about them, but--not being sure of your censoring guidelines--I don't feel free to repeat most of them. Except this one.

    Q. What's the difference between God and a fighter pilot?
    A. ___________

    Come on, Sarge. Fill in the blank. You KNOW the answer.

    1. God doesn't think he's a fighter pilot.

    2. Yeah, Yeah, Yeah! Rickenbacker told it in 1914. No....really! Look it up in Wikipedia!

    3. I wondered when you'd chime in.


    4. This is quite an all-purpose joke. In place of "fighter pilot" you can say lawyer, doctor, senator, Clinton, Trump...

    5. No offense to Big-Time, but what's the difference between a cactus and a Hornet driver?

    6. Yeah, works for lots of situations Bruce:

      "What's the difference between God and a Master Sergeant?" immediately springs to mind.

      Same answer for every situation, just change the job title.

    7. On the cactus, the pricks are on the outside.

    8. Heard 'em all....Jealousy is manifested with infantile attempts at humor!

      That would be the blogging equivalent of "Fight's on, Fight's on!"

    9. Cactus and Hornets. Makes sense.

    10. Fight's on?

      Ruh roh. Standby for heavy rolls!

  8. Russian hackers... meh!
    I have more important things to do this week.

  9. Oh...Good! I'm SOF.

    Now THAT's Funny, I don't care who you are!

    1. I thought of that post when I watched the video last night.

      (And I was wondering if my watch is too big as well. I have one from VFA-136.)

  10. That's such a great movie!

    Those perky young Russian girls make me smile. Unfortunately, terrible health care and vodka paint a potentially sad picture for their futures. The demographics of Мать Россия are rather heartbreaking.

    1. That is a favorite film of mine. And you're right (of course) about the demographics of the Родина are not good.

      And that's if you survive driving on the highway!

  11. Replies
    1. They might could be.

      Is that important? (A rose by any other name...)

    2. No, they just looked fairly nautical.

    3. They do look nautical. I've been searching for what they could be. Updates will occur if I find the answer.

      Because now I want to, check that, I need to know.

  12. Hiya Sarge, I always loved that movie! I remember watching it with my dad, when I was a little kid...
    Thanks for the warm memory.

  13. Always et hits from Russia. Think they are attracted by my picture.

  14. Great post Chris. I'll say one thing for the Russians, they produce some fine looking women. Also liked the movie: TRAC,TRAC; have to see if I can find it to watch again.

    Paul L. Quandt

    P.S. Sorry to be late for the dance, stuff happened.


    1. Hope all is well.

      Better late than never!

      Oh yeah, thanks. 😃

    2. Yes, things are going fairly well, just didn't have time for the web until then.



Just be polite... that's all I ask. (For Buck)
Can't be nice, go somewhere else...

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