
Praetorium Honoris

Friday, February 24, 2017

Out and About

Pondering the eternal question, "What's for dinner?"

The Missus Herself has already decided to have one of the specials listed on the chalkboard so has no need of a menu. For the kids, their mom, The WSO, will help them decide. Little Bit went with the kid's cheeseburger with fries, whereas L'il Sweetie selected the mac and cheese. (Which she devoured with great relish.)

While the food was being prepared...

So was I. Guinness for me, thank you very much.

The fish and chips sounded like a good idea.

And it was!

I assisted the artist, who found great pleasure in "dropping" the crayons and making Grandpa pick them up again. (Well, okay sometimes she tossed the crayons. But fortunately, there was no hurling involved.)

L'il Sweetie
Little Bit

They head home on Saturday, the place is going to be sadly quiet after they leave.

Not that the cats won't mind...

Yeah, that's what a thousand-yard stare looks like on a cat.


  1. A lovely family, Sarge.

    So...based on yesterday's events god the visit to your Mom get delayed or canx'd?

    1. I am going to quit commenting off the iPad. Juvat->did iPad->god Good Gravy.

    2. Thanks Juvat, they make a fella proud they do.

      Trip to Mom's was canx. Couldn't reschedule because of the schedule, if'n you know what I mean.

    3. I used to have similar issues with my phone, so I turned auto-correct off.

      Can you even do that on an iPad?

    4. Evidently you can. Now.....whether that helps.......TBD.

  2. Glad there was no hurling involved. Nothing breaks up a meal like hurling. And Little Bit is going
    to be a heartbreaker when when she gets older. Beauty definitely runs in the family!!

    1. Mother's side, they get their sense of humor from my side.

      While I ain't zactly ugly, no one has ever accused me of being "handsome."

    2. You've got the Anglo, she brings the Asian- and it makes for good looking kids/grandkids, dare I say exotic.

  3. Beautiful grand-babies! I love the name Little Bit.

  4. Wow, those smiles and antics sure brighten a snowy February day in Nebraska! Thanks for sharing and give 'em a kiss for me. The welcome mat is always out if they ever want to visit a ranch!

  5. Over time your photos are impressive - professional in focus, lighting and composition. These are great.

  6. Looks like The Missus Herself is asking our Higher Power for the youngn's to not order a rice dish. If you've been there, you know what I mean. Dropping most anything on the floor is a great entertainment for them. Beautiful grandkids!

    1. We eat a lot of rice at home. This week there has been rice "overboard." Too bad the cats don't care for it...

  7. Grandkids help grandparents live longer.

  8. Thanks for sharing your family with us.

    As for "Too bad the cats don't care for it...", I've never had a cat who would eat anything off the floor which the cat didn't chase and catch.

    Paul L. Quandt

  9. Above and to the right of Lil' Sweetie. Is that Great Grampa?

    1. That's one.

      The other is all the way to the left.

      Good eye Scott.

    2. I was reading this on my Kindle, but I embiggered , and see it's WW II,not WW I. Sorry, on a small screen? You know.

    3. My Dad wad in the occupation force in Berlin. At 17, quite an experience!

    4. I should think so. Did he ever go back to see what it looked like as a city, rather than a pile of rubble?

      Li'l Bit looks like her own woman, even at her age.

    5. He never got back there. (And he "was" in the occupation force, vice "wad").

      Little Bit's other nickname is "Miss Independent."


Just be polite... that's all I ask. (For Buck)
Can't be nice, go somewhere else...

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