
Praetorium Honoris

Friday, May 5, 2017

Korea, Vikings, and Lithuania?

Sveiki iš Lietuvos! (Source)
From time to time the stats here at The Chant get inflated by a sudden influx of hits from Eastern Europe, normally Russia. Not that I'm pointing fingers Vlad, but jeez.

At any rate, we had a lot of hits yesterday. A lot of them on one post, an old one from Tuna.

Yes, the story of maybe Korea getting Tuna's old ride, the S-3 Viking, the mighty War Hoover!

S-3A of VS-37, USS Constellation, 1986 (US Navy photo)
So Sarge, the War Hoover, Korea, we should maybe guess that the other piece of today's post title might provide a clue as to where all those hits came from?

Now I'm no mathematician, nor am I a statistician, but 249 hits from Lithuania, and 249 hits on a post from 2014? I'm seeing a possible correlation there. Coincidence? I think not.

So my guess is that Tuna has his very own fan club out there in the lovely Baltic land of Lithuania.

Ah yes, don't we all?

Either that or the Lithuanians are really interested in the possibility of the Korean Navy getting the S-3. I mean Korea is in the news lately, so perhaps it stands to reason.

Maybe it's just old Viking crew dogs that the Lithuanians dig.

Because I have evidence which might indicate that the Lithuanian ladies don't really dig Air Force guys.

Just a hunch.

Though that Senior Airman in the foreground seems just a bit too happy.

Can't say I blame him...


  1. He does look quite happy. I probably would be too if someone that pretty was manhandling me! Did they change
    things after I got out? That rank used to be Sgt. Senior Airman didn't have a star on the chevrons.

    1. They did away with E-4 sergeants sometime in the 80s I think. Now we're the only service for which E-4 is not a non-commissioned officer. E-4 in the Navy and Coast Guard is a Petty Officer 3rd class. Army and Marines, E-4 is a corporal (or possibly a specialist in the Army).

      I can see why they did away with it. Back in the day, you could only put on sergeant from SrA if recommended by your rater. I had a guy who clearly should NOT EVER be an NCO, I disapproved his move to sergeant and was overridden by my boss, who didn't want to do the necessary paperwork. So SrA to Sgt was a rubber stamp process.

      Big Air Force realized that so now to be an NCO in the Air Force, you have to make SSgt.

    2. That's probably is a good thing, I knew a lot of Sgt's who weren't really ready for the supervisory position.
      I do know back in my day (let's not count the years!!), you took the WAPS test to get promoted from A1C to
      Sgt And you still didn't make it unless you scored very high and had all 9's on your APR's.

    3. Then they added the Senior Airman rank into the mix and totally messed things up.

      In the 80s through 91 (when they abolished E-4 Sgt, I looked it up) all you had to do to make Sgt was be able to breathe. And I think you could get a waver for that...

  2. Here's what I have from my peeps in Vilnius. The former US CinC sent 30 warshot B57's to Lithuania in 2012 as part of his ultra-secret "Bombs For Bros" program. He was riding the choom bus that day (as usual) and he appears to have got Lithuania mixed up with Libya. So Lithuania now has bombs to hold off the Bear, but no delivery system. They're trying to work a deal to buy a dozen War Hoovers. It's tricky with no stoner in the Big Chair. But not that tricky. I suspect the Oro gynybos batalionas were attempting to glean vital intel from Tuna's post.

    1. Hahaha!

      I had forgotten that you are very big in Lithuania.

    2. "Bombs to hold off the bear" ?!?! What'd I ever do to warrant such personal aggression?!

      (Sorry, I haven't used that gag in a while, felt like it was due.)

    3. As always, most appropriate. The bears never get any love do they?


  3. A most interesting post, or as someone or other used to say: Verdy interesting. We seem to be fated to live in interesting times.

    Paul L. Quandt

  4. Nice to see one of my "home countries" keeping track of things :) Unfortunately my Grandmother never taught us grand kids to speak Lithuanian. All about keeping adult conversations adult, I suppose.


    1. Hahaha!

      One of my best friends back in the day was of Lithuanian descent. 2nd generation I think. Good folks!

  5. The miracle of the internet and the fun of blogging, illustrated right there. I recall getting an email from someone in Greenland, asking where I got a picture I posted from there. Greenland! We still converse by email occasionally. I love it.

    1. That's pretty cool c w. I wonder how many people know that people actually do live in Greenland?

  6. The real question is... we know it is really the Lithuanians who're showing the interest?
    It could be foreign interests who just happened to be in Lithuania checking out the post.
    Possibly uninformed NFL folloers

    1. Secret servers forward deployed to Lithuania in order to boost my statistics? Maybe...

      As to uninformed NFL followers...

      Who knows?

  7. I've given up trying to figure out those stats. If Trump wanted me on his cabinet, the hits from Russia would be problematic.

    1. Hahaha! Same here. CNN would be all over this.

  8. "Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by spambots." ~Hanlon's Razor

  9. "Oro gynybos batalionas" Thanks for that one. Filing it away. Bet it sounds a lot different after a few with your crue.

  10. I always figured the "Sky Cops" could be taken out by a bunch of girls. Now it's documented.

  11. The top picture looks like a Trakai Castle in the town of Trakai on the beautiful lake :-)

    1. And that's exactly where that is. Such an idyllic setting, a lovely place indeed!


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