
Praetorium Honoris

Tuesday, May 30, 2017

Was All Ready to Rant, But...

While there are a few things that I'm all riled up about, I'm saving them for later. The weekend was just too nice and I'm just too relaxed to really get any steam up to rant and rave about current events.

The Missus Herself had me hard at work in the garden on Saturday, though I had had Friday off, the weather was wet and miserable. Saturday though, was glorious. Sunny and warm, a perfect day for doing a bit of yard work.

Now while The Missus Herself was out in California I wasn't very focused on the yard and the gardens. The chaps who cut it for me every week (for which I pay them a reasonable wage) had been keeping things looking fine. Well, they looked fine to me.

Arriving at the manse upon a Tuesday morn, after stepping off the red eye from Fresno, The Missus Herself was not entirely pleased with the weediness of the garden. Whilst to me it looked like a perfect Eden back there, to her it had the appearance of untamed jungle. So I vowed to help her right that situation as the weekend, which just passed, was still in the future and was four days long. So she accepted my offer and Saturday we fell out to work in the garden.

Soil was turned, seedlings and seeds were planted, weeds were uprooted, stuff was watered, and I found time for an adult beverage or two.

And the job was done, right smartly I might add, though truth be told The Missus Herself did the bulk of the detail work, I just lifted things up and put them down.

Yeah, like that.

Seriously though, there is much to rant about. But not today...

The weekend was nice. Calming it was...

Very relaxed.

And peaceful.


  1. Glad you had a relaxing weekend, Sarge. The moons of Jupiter were in alignment and Mrs Juvat and I actually had a day off together. First time in a couple of years that's happened (other than on vacations). So, we went to a movie. If you haven't seen it yet, I thought the new Pirates of the Caribbean movie was pretty good. You might give it a shot.

    1. I actually enjoy the antics and adventures of Captain Jack Sparrow. I may take this one in.

    2. I loved the badguy in the movie, both conceptually and the way he's animated.

    3. Yeah, the CGI was very well integrated throughout the picture. The Sharks were cool too.

    4. Occasionally, I will find one or two things unbelievable in those movies.

    5. The thing that made me snort was when one of their capstan bars broke, the guys lost their footing, and the anchor started to drop again. I'll happily accept cursed ghost pirates, but at least get the real-world stuff right :P

    6. Uh? Spoiler alert?!?!

      Just kidding, you know how I like to poke the bear. Or a bear in this case. ;)

  2. Sounds like a great weekend. Love the sound of your water feature -- I could learn to enjoy some relaxation in that AO.

    Meanwhile your fellow Rhode Islander was fighting bugs and forgetting rice just up the road. I get a kick out of her for some reason. Watch the very end of the video. :)

    Me, I drop things and pick them up.

    1. The waterfall is most restful.


      (As I get older I tend to drop things and pick them up too. Frustrating at times.)

    2. Speaking of drops...

    3. Ah yes, Emmy. She's cute. I may have to check out that Japanese curry, I do like a good curry now and again.

      The end of the video was hysterical.

  3. Dropping things? Check. Picking up things? Very, very late middle age has brought these thoughts. Do I really, really, need to pick that up? Or can I just kick it under something and ignore it?

    Wife's voice. "Are you going to pick that up?"
    My voice. "I'm thinking about it."

    And also the increasing amount of what are correctly called, "Old Man Noises" that are heard during the picking up process.

    1. Actual conversation between Your Truly and my better half.

      Her: Will you stop making those groaning noises when you're getting ready for work!

      Me: At my age everything hurts. I'm not fully stretched out until around noon.

      Her: Well, suffer in silence won't you?

      Me: [groan] Yes dear.

    2. Thank you both for the confessions. I thought it was just me. Is there a Groaner's Anonymous Organization

      I: Hello, I'm juvat and I groan

      Them: GRRRR----Ow----OOOOHHH----OWNNNNN!

    3. If not we should start one...

    4. I said no.
      I work hard, I'll play hard, but I won't work hard to raise the bloom level.
      I was single for awhile
      Now I have found,
      a partner for my soul
      we don't garden, at all.

      Mind you, it's not for everyone! OTOH, perhaps I'll write about it later. Sad call from my mother about a friend who gardened quite fanatically until....

    5. No, it isn't for everyone. (I am a simple conscript, I do what is necessary to make the love of my life happy. So I've got that going for me.)

      I await your tale. If you tell it I'll read it, if not? Perhaps another time.

  4. Very nice little piece of Eden ya got there, Sarge. Adult noises. Heh, do tell. If it's just the two of us, the wife and I are to the point where we just practice "muzzle discipline" and make sure the other is not in the line of fire. The silent party smiles ruefully and says "That's OK dear, it was your turn".

    Indeed there is plenty I could bitch about, and most of them deserve it (I'm sure you've heard this---half of them don't care, and the other have figure you had it coming anyway). But not today. Today I am grateful. Grateful that---

    I still have choices.
    I have a purpose.
    We get to spend time with our kids.
    I can still hoist the colors under my own steam.

  5. A beautiful refuge. My compliments to Mrs. AFSarge & her lifter.

    1. Thanks Rev.

      (Was sad to see you stop blogging, but I get it, truly I do.)

  6. Thanks for the post and photos. You have a lovely space. Sign me up for Groaners Anonymous Organization. Will there be membership fees? ID cards? Meetings? Inquiring minds want to know.

    Paul L. Quandt

    1. I'm thinking Baseball Caps. I mean Sarge seems to have an affinty for them. We could name the organization Men as Groaners Association and just put the initials on the hat. I think that would work! ;-)

    2. I think I've seen where we could get hat with those initials.


    3. DId someone say "baseball caps"?

  7. OK, I'll admit it. One of the things I miss the most about my move East has been the lack of dirty interaction with the earth. Yes, we have sand and lots of water laying around, that said, it's not like the Japanese garden I used to tend for forty five years in Santa Cruz.

    1. Sand and water are good if you like the beach.

  8. The Missus Herself is talented. Very impressive.

  9. Oh goodie. I see your Choi are out and about. I've been hankerin' for some grilled fish this summer and they're easy pickins--will come right up to you when you feed them. Thanks Sarge. nom nom nom.. :)

    1. I think that I'm going to start calling the local cranes and other predatory waterfowl "virgils." Seems to fit.


  10. Your garden/back lawn is lovely! And so are you pics of the clouds...and sunshine :). We had a lovely weekend here are well, but I was working so had to stay inside to be within earshot of the phone. Sigh...Next weekend we are attacking our gardens.

    You must be sooo glad Mrs. is home, even if she does have you show off your muscles :)

    1. I am pleased with the return of her presence, even if I am sore the next day. For the soil is heavy and will not till itself.


    2. Motrin and a hot shower are your friend. Maybe even a backrub from an appreciative wife? :)

    3. Done and done. (And she's more sore than I!)

  11. Looking good! Y'all have put a LOT of work into the place and the yard!!!

    1. She has. I helped, a little. I'm like the guy who held the ladder for Michelangelo while he climbed the scaffolding to paint the Sistine Chapel.

    2. You know, it's been claimed that he was just lying around asleep half the time he was up there near the roof*. /What a great gig. :) I'll be down in a minute honey.....

      *total absence of evidence. I just made that up, because it's the internet and I can. :)

    3. Harrumph.

      (I was checking the roof for worn out shingles, really. It's a intensive task...)


Just be polite... that's all I ask. (For Buck)
Can't be nice, go somewhere else...

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