
Praetorium Honoris

Monday, June 5, 2017


It's been a pretty fine week at Rancho Juvat.  For starters, it's Birthday Week!  Three quarters of the Juvat Clan has their birthday in the first week of June.  Which makes it VERY easy on the one who is not in that percentage to remember birthdays.  The rest of us, however, have to remind ourselves of the arrival time of Mrs Juvat's birthday in October.

Lord, don't ever let me forget that one again.  Yes, I know, I was on the other side of the international date line from her, but....did you know you can get frostbite over a phone line?

Anyhoo (shout out to Sarge), it's birthday week, I have high hopes of getting a refurbished AT-38 to jet around in, but it's been on my Amazon wish list for forever and no takers.  Ah well....

Another reason to celebrate, Little Juvat came home from his big adventure.  With a little help from his parents, he managed to surprise his bride (Mrs Little Juvat? Nah, doesn't sing).  To set up the surprise, we told her we were going to take her out to dinner at one of the finer restaurants in town to observe the ending of a very difficult year.  I picked him up at the Austin Airport, took him to our house for a shower and couple of hour nap and then took him to the restaurant.  

He was ensconced at a table around the corner from the entrance and Mrs J and I waited outside for his bride to arrive.  When she walked up we told her we had just arrived also (to explain why we were waiting outside) then went inside and the Maitre' D walked us to the table.  Mrs J and I kinda lagged behind a bit and.....

Lots of joy.  

Imagine a YouTube Video here 
with a large guy with a Duck Dynasty Beard
Hugging a Small Lady
(without a Duck Dynasty Beard)
That's what happens when you rely on a single cell phone to take videos of a once in a lifetime event.

Had to explain what was going on to a table of friends coincidentally eating nearby.  There was a roomful of "Awwwws" as he gave her a big hug.

As we tend to say around here.  It got a bit dusty in the place.

Mrs Juvat and I then exited the fight and went to another restaurant in town and had a quiet dinner by ourselves. 

Another highlight of the week was the completion of a project I've been working on for-flipping-EVER!  I shipped it off to Sarge last week for his approval.  I expect he'll post his critique on this blog, probably Wednesday.

Construction on the additional wings at our High School and Primary School is going swimmingly.  We've been promised we'll have access to the rooms to start installing the technology equipment NLT August 1st.  About 30 Classrooms.  School starts August 25th with teachers back on the 10th.

Going to be a fun summer.

BTW, this is my 179th post on this blog.  I started 3 years ago this week.  It's been a lot of fun and I've learned a lot about a lot of things I knew nothing about but wrote about anyway.  Thanks to all our readers for humoring me.  Someday I hope to actually learn how to do this writing thingy.


  1. Has it been that long? Wow.

    Happy Birthday!

    Ah, the lone cell phone which, of course, malfunctions. If you'd had 30 for the event, they all would have worked just fine...

    You wanted an AT-38? I guess we'll return the P-51 then...

    1. A P-51? Mrs J would insist on modifying it for 2 seats. She seems to like me for some strange reason and wishes to accompany me on adventures.

    2. Could we set up a GoFundMe thingy for a P-51?

  2. I seem to remember a drop tank fitted for moving casevac in WW Twice. Maybe she'd settle for one of those. I think they even put in a perspex window!!!! Just don't get your mic button and drop tank button mixed up....

    So what big day is in March??? I'm a Feb 14th-er myself......

    1. Yeah.....Not sure a drop tank is gonna work. She'll probably stick me in it and then bury it.

  3. Awwww... :)

    What a great surprise!

    Happy birthday and happy blog-birthday!

    There are supposed to be a handful of AT-38's and A-Tweets in a hangar at the former KEP facility. I'm sure they're fixer-uppers, but if the price is right, how hard could it be? The rumor is they have ATOLL rails.

    1. Thanks.
      What/Where is the "former KEP facility"? Might have to look into it (in case, you know....the lottery).



    3. Sorry, Now I get it. SUBtle, PA, very SUBtle

  4. Pardon me if I don't sing the birthday song.
    It gets the neighbors dogs all twitterpated.
    Many happy returns of the day/week.

    1. Thanks, Skip. Yeah, we don't want to twitterpate the dogs, that would be bad!

  5. Congrats to them... And 30 classrooms in 10 day??? WOW! I'm betting you won't get access until the 10th, have teachers underfoot and bitching at you, and have to work OT to make the 25th. Not that I've been there and done that, nope...

    1. No bet. Your specs are as close to a sure thing as is possible on this earth, the only thing that would have made the bet surer is to add "at a minimum" after the 10th.

  6. Happy blog birthday, juvat. If I win a good sized lotto, I'll get you a T-38; but you'll have to give me rides. Notice the "s" on ride. All my best to you and yours.

    Paul L. Quandt

    1. Believe me, were that to happen, Paul, all the rides you wanted!



Just be polite... that's all I ask. (For Buck)
Can't be nice, go somewhere else...

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