
Praetorium Honoris

Thursday, December 28, 2017


It's been winter for a few days now, haven't seen any snow yet, not that I really want it, but I won't say no. I'm still a ten year old boy at heart. But yowza has it been cold.

Not northern Canada cold, but in the twenties cold. I expected it to be warmer in Virginia but the temperatures have been the same as Rhode Island. With Little Rhody being perhaps a tad cooler.

Ankle hurts, not as bad as the other day. Now it isn't as swollen but man, it is colorful.

So, just a quick note to let you know I'm alive. But lazy, very lazy.

But hey, I'm on vacation.

Back soon.


  1. Pretty cold down here also. Low 30s for the high yesterday, but a nice brisk wind made that q bit chillier. Today's a little warmer, low 40s, so tolerable. Heater in the Guest House, Gate Opener and Dishwasher in our house all decided yesterday to call it a day. Gate's been fixed. Replacement heater is being installed as we speak. Guests arrive in about 3 hours. Mrs J and I have a Lowe's date planned after she closes the store this evening. What's life without challenges.

  2. Instead of icing that ankle, you can just stick it outside for a few minutes.

  3. Weird thing - I bought myself a nice new pair of boots, fully expecting that that would prevent any snow from falling (as is the way of things) - but it didn't work. Just got 7-8" of lake-effect goodness all over my car. Also good I got a spiff new coat from Santa, since it's been single-digit F's around here.

    Cleveland feh. Glad we're not in Erie right now, though. 60" in two days is insane.

  4. Oh darn, my comments ( 2 ) disappeared into the great internet void.

    Paul L. Quandt

  5. We are visiting friends near Pittsburgh. This morning it was 2 F when we awoke. No snow and we are glad for that.
    And the forertelling about the ankle being colorful was based on personal experience.
    We don't heal as rapidly as we used to.
    Now the "C" of R.I.C.E. can stand for cognac (medicinal dose only)
    Take care.

  6. A bent ankle is a waste of a good vacation though, although having your wife or the Nuke wait on you hand and foot might be a side benefit!

    1. Truth be told, I'd rather be mobile.

    2. I've offered my skills as a trail surgeon to people in your situation before. I just need a bottle of Oh Be Joyful to steady my nerves, a rusty knife, tomahawk and some horse hair to stitch up the (mess) surgical site once I'm done. I call it practicing medicine. Let me know. I need all of the practice that I can get. You might find that you would be fine with a peg...I can't guarantee success.

  7. It's winter here in California, too. It gets close to freezing just before sunrise and in the afternoon, there's only about three hours when I can comfortably work outside wearing just a t-shirt. Supposed to hit 64 on New Year's Day, though!

  8. Lots of snow and was 9 degrees F here. Feel free to come by and visit if you really need to see some snow and get the full experience. :-)

    1. Did the Michigan a while back. I asked The WSO's father-in-law where all the snow was.

      The next day it came. And came. And came.

      Yup, snow up there is definitely a thing.

    2. Yes, I'd recommend visiting Michigan in a season other than winter. The invite for you to come by if you're ever in the area does remain open in all seasons.


Just be polite... that's all I ask. (For Buck)
Can't be nice, go somewhere else...

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