
Praetorium Honoris

Sunday, May 6, 2018

I've Had Worse Days

Course, I've had better days too.

The meds, while helping, make me a little dizzy, lethargic, then again, that might also be due to not being able to eat solid food. Haven't had anything harder than Jello since Thursday night.

Ah, the joys of diverticulitis.

Thought I was all done with that when the Doc chopped a big chunk o'colon out of me back in 2015 (third part of that epic was amusing, kind of) but alas I had a relapse last year and again this year.

I am feeling better than I did Thursday night, still not 100% but I am improving.

This seems but a minor attack, I've had far worse.

Damn, but I would kill for a cheeseburger right about now.

Oh wait, the cheeseburger would kill me.

Patience grasshopper.


  1. Stay away from the evil cheeseburgers. Get better soon.

    Thanks for the post.
    Paul L. Quandt

  2. Coke....Pepsi! Let's hear it for the Billy Goat Tavern, spent eight and half years in Chicago. Step away from the grease Sarge, take it easy there.

    1. While nothing is better that a big serving of crinkle cuts, (the King of French Fries ), sometimes chips can really hit the spot!

    2. Concur, King of Fries, hands down!

  3. Funny you should mention Grasshoppers. One of the Grays, just deposited a trophy at my feet as I stepped out of the shower. Evidently, the grasshopper had a bit too much patience in beginning his jump. I liked the expression of pride on the Cat's face though.

    I'll ask the Big Guy for some help in rectifying your condition when I talk to him shortly.

    Hang in there!

  4. Here’s to more better days and something more than Jello.

  5. That sounds very unpleasant. Hope it clears up soon, but me thinks you may require a permanent change in dietary habits.

    1. Already had the permanent diet change and yes, most unpleasant. Stress seems to bring it on as well. The closer I get to retirement, the less fun work is, and hence, more stressful.

  6. Ok, so you know cheeseburgers are off the menu, but you could try a little (keyword there) defatted chicken broth to go with your jello. And flat ginger ale can be calming to the tummy too. But I'm guessing that you could do the diet perfectly, and still have issues.

    I'm guessing the job stress you have been having lately also is a major causative factor. So maybe looking at either retiring or finding an activity that is a stress reducer for you (walking daily, or beginner spin class? something not on a computer!!) or both might help?


    At least you DO NOT HAVE TO WORRY about us here...after all we have tuna, juvet, lush, and now Andrew to amuse/challenge us until your muse comes back from vacay and/or you are much more better.
    Having chunks of body organs removed is not a great solution. Had a grandfather have to do that...he worked for Pratt and Whitney and traveled all over the world for decades figuring out why an engine went kafluee instead of working properly. He was a perfectionist. And that type of stress is not healthy, especially over the long haul.

    Take care, feel better, getter fixed!!!

    PS: Those flowers are lovely!!

    1. I think stress is a factor. Not being at work is a great stress reducer. It's not the work or the co-workers, both of those things are awesome, it's the niggling annoying corporate crap. Also IT seems determined to turn all of our computers into boat anchors.

      Whoops, there I go, stressing myself.

    2. "niggling annoying corporate crap" occurs in all environments, not just in the IT one. I'm in healthcare and I deal with NACC all the's called Medicare regs, then you have state health dept regs/rules, and THEN you have corporate what dufus EVER thought a CELL phone would be a better replacement for a laptop or a tablet??? A bean-counter weenie I am sure!! Not anyone who actually has to type on the silly thing for 8+ hours a day!!
      So be thankful for your boat sounds waaaay bigger than my stupid work cell phone...with the 12 character password to get into it and the 5 minute time out so ya have to re-sign in over and over and over and over again during a 1-2 hour admission visit.... I would agree the work, the patients (mostly) and the staff I work with are great, but the IT department! :(

      I would like some VT extra-sharp cheddar with this whine, please...

    3. A cell phone?

      And I thought I had it bad. ;)

  7. Take care, Blogfather. You'll need your health to finish the Tiger story. And serve the tigers in your house, which is probably more important than finishing any old story about the Bulge.

    1. The house tigers will not take no for an answer, that's for sure.

      But I will finish the Tiger story.

    2. I'm thinking that Andrew just gave you your new official name: " blogfather ".


    3. In my case, that name is reserved for another...

    4. You are passing on the tradition. It's what elders do. Not that you're old or anything... Um, by the way, my feet taste terrible, so I'll just pull them out of my mouth.....

    5. Oh, by the way, tube's loaded and firing for Tuesday morning. Pictures and everything. Hope it works...

    6. I saw that (admin sees everything), looks awesome.

    7. Oh, good, I did it right. Yay!

  8. Well, let me know if you see incoming burger fire, and I'll take that particular bullet for you. Mmm.

  9. Since you're now a semi-colon, does that mean diverticulitis spreads? I hope not. On a happier note, I'm sure your lovely wife could make you a nice tofu burger if you ask nicely.

    1. Dude, tofu, seriously? That's really rubbing it in, like a fine rub on a rack of ribs fine.

    2. Tuna - I guess so. I don't think the docs really know what causes it.

    3. Andrew - tofu is not that bad, it ain't beef, but it's not a sharp stick in the eye either.

      Which you deserve for mentioning ribs. Jello and chicken broth, argh!


Just be polite... that's all I ask. (For Buck)
Can't be nice, go somewhere else...

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