
Praetorium Honoris

Tuesday, May 8, 2018

Un Anniversaire d'un Certain Genre

Another revolution around the sun complete.

Commencing another at this time.

That is all...

Stay tuned for the FNG, he'll be along shortly.

Didn't want to steal his thunder, so I slipped this in early.

The new chap is quite prolific, is he not?


  1. Happy Birthday, Sarge. May this next 365 be even better than the previous 65.

    1. Thanks Juvat!

      The next 365 should be superb, I start the farewell to gainful employment tour somewhere in there.

    2. I'm pretty sure I'm under 400 days from the same.

  2. Congrats, you young whippersnapper. I just marked my 74th this Sunday, May 6th. Always nice to have ones birthday on Derby Day weekend, no? (P.S. I was born on a Saturday-my fave day of the week!) Until today I hadn't known we shared the same birth month. Shows how much I've been paying attention! (:- on me..

    1. Well Virgil, as a near and dear friend to us both might say, "I had no ideer..."

      Thanks for the birthday wishes and a belated Happy Birthday to you!

    2. Virg! The Birthday Badger Sends Exteremly Respectful Greetings To An Esteemed Friend!

  3. Golleeee, Sgt., that’s a lot!
    Keep ‘em coming.
    Happy Birthday.

    1. Thanks Skip!

      (A lot? Feels like a lot. But I'm talking to the expert here aren't I?)

    2. Who?
      Experienced, maybe, but still learning.

    3. If you're still learning, you're still breathing.

      Leastwise that's my take on it.

  4. Ah, bon ami, welcome to official gezzerhood. Now we have to pay you due deference, you are now officially part of the older generation. The really good part is that we have now outlived most of those who were our detractors. The bad part is that they say that your memory is the second thing to go, and I'll be darned if I can remember the first.

    1. I assume the official membership card and geezerhood regalia are in the mail?

      Thanks Dave!

      (Hair, hair is the first thing to go. As far as I can remember anyway.)

  5. Happy Birthday, and I swear the time between them is getting less every year.
    And remove the smoke detector battery before blowing out the candles.

    1. Smoke detector batteries removed, Aye!

      Fire brigade standing by...

      Thanks John!

  6. Happy Birthday Chris, you young whippersnapper! Can't wait for another gathering. We had a micro-gathering at MCAS-Cherry Point this weekend- good times. V/R

    1. Thanks Ron!

      I read that y'all had met up with some of the tribe down at MCAS Cherry Point, not jealous, not at all.

      Well actually, yes, yes, I am!

      Perhaps October-November time frame down in Alexandria? Awesome when we met up in Arlington, The Hobbit is such a gracious lady.

    2. Just a reminder, we'll be in your vic 18(Bah-Stun)-19 October (Newport). Gonna collect on that beer you owe me. Or is it the other way around? Guess we better be safe and have two.

    3. Just to be safe, two it is. At least...

    4. Juvat - rereading the comments here and had to chuckle, though I knew what you meant by "vic," (vicinity) I do believe that's what the RAF called a formation of three aircraft in Dubya Dubya Deuce (as it looked like a V).

      Wikipedia said:

      Luftwaffe pilots were disparaging about the RAF’s use of the Vic formation during the Battle of Britain, calling them Idiotenreihen (“rows of idiots”).

      Of course, the Luftwaffe gave us the now standard finger four formation, which they called a schwarm, literally a swarm.

    5. Might be worth a post, on formations. Ah HA! Off to Monday!

    6. It's nice to inspire people. ;)

  7. Happy birthday, kid. Also, belated happy birthday to you, virgil. See, see OAFS, there is someone older than me. Not by much, granted, but older. I hope your special day ( you are taking the day off work, aren't you? ) is as wonderful as can be.

    Thanks for the post.
    Paul L. Quandt

    1. I am indeed NOT in attendance at my place of gainful employment.

      Thanks Paul! (I look up to my elders ya know. Like you and Virgil. Hahahaha!)

  8. Happy Birthday, and all the best to you in the coming year!

    1. Thanks Aaron!

      Keep posting the in-flight photos, love 'em!

  9. Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday to yooooouuuuu, happy birthday to you!!
    65! Wow! It used to sound sooo not so much...I'm not that far behind you.
    Hope you had a great day!

    1. Thanks Suz!

      65 is the new 18! Or something...

    2. Well....Maybe 55 or something....Juvat's law of aging, count up to 50 then back down. Match the "effective age" to intellect, physical coordination, mental ability and bladder/bowel control and you'll see there's something to my law.

    3. Hhmm, I think you're onto something there.

  10. Fine, hove you birthday when I am away from the internet. The Birthday Badger Sends Very Respectful Greetings To An Honored Friend.


Just be polite... that's all I ask. (For Buck)
Can't be nice, go somewhere else...

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