
Praetorium Honoris

Friday, May 4, 2018


That photo nicely illustrates what my belly feels like right now. All jumbled up and obviously not quite right.

Hoping it's not a return of the diverticulitis, doesn't feel like that, but after having a big chunk of intestine removed a few years back, nothing feels quite like it used to.

I'll let you know.

A bit o' prayer might be in order.


  1. Geeess..... that's not good, had a near experience with that myself years ago, per the doc fiber became the word of the day. Prayers and thoughts sent Sarge.

  2. Get well soon! Badger Healing Vibes being sent in your direction! Heal, so I can find out when your Tiger crew meets a Pershing!

  3. Prayers are always included, of course. However, I'm in agreement with StB about the Tiger crew. I'm looking forward to the weather clearing and the tide of the war being changed by the arrival of A-10s, with F-15 top cover of course. (You are planning to have a time travel component to this book aren't you?)

  4. When I was nunbut a young whippersnapper I was romantically involved with a young lady whose mother had cross stitched a pillow that stated "Old age is not for sissy's." It is needless to say, but still being wet behind the ears. I could not see the humor in that. Now, in my advanced state of decrepitude, I not only see the humor, but I fully acknowledge the wisdom of those remarks. Hang in there old friend, and this too shall pass.

    1. And youth is wasted on the young. Get better/feel better soon Sarge, we're all counting on you.

  5. Hoping for you that it is something relatively minor and that you get back to health as soon as possible.

  6. Take care. After all, "If you don't have your health, you don't have anything."

    And "It could be worse, it could be raining."

    1. It is, where I live. We've gotten 2.75" in the last 4 hours. That's a lot in central Texas.

    2. Wow. Here in North Central Florida (yes, that's how they put it) the ground is crunchy from lack of rain. But major circular rain storm season starts in a month, and the ex-lake now prairie is still flooded from last year. Can't wait. Yay.

      The landlady at the apartment complex thought I was weird when I checked the drainage and elevation of the unit I am renting during the walk-through. During last year's kerfuffle, several other apartments flooded, but not mine. I live such an exciting life.

    3. I think I am in Coastal North Central Florida. Ormond Beach.

  7. I add my good wishes and thoughts to those of others. I had a bout of that a while back and it wasn't fun. Get well soon, my friend.

    All my best.
    Paul L. Quandt

  8. We here are praying for a quick recovery for you from the above referred to symptoms. Nothing worse than the feeling you need to stay at home near the porcelain pony stable. Trust me, I know.
    On a brighter note, I thought the picture depicted the plan that ruling Democrats may have used to sell harbor spaces to the locals.

  9. Look Sarge, we've already lost Buck and Lex , so don't go wobbly on us, now. :)

  10. Feeling better I am. A trip to my doc, I have some good meds, in a week or so I'll be back to FMC.

    Thanks for the prayers and the positive vibes!

  11. Mucho prayers your way. God knows everyone has used much of their quota on me.

  12. Sounds like you are recovering, i'll throw a quick word in your behalf couldn't hurt.


Just be polite... that's all I ask. (For Buck)
Can't be nice, go somewhere else...

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