
Praetorium Honoris

Sunday, August 19, 2018

I Got Nuthin...

A lazy, stormy day here at Chez Sarge. Found out on Friday that my new spectacles are still a week or two down the road. Seems that the insurance company that my employer uses for optometry visits is particular about the lab the doc uses to get spectacles made.

Particular as to cost, not quality. My spectacles came in, the opticians took one look and sent them right back, with a polite, "Try again." It's hard to work at the computer with the old specs, it's going to be a long couple of weeks.

You may have noticed that you got a video yesterday. I'm starting to think you don't like videos. Well, I can't be entertaining everyday. Hard as I try. And I ain't tryin' all that hard this weekend, am I?

Apologies. Vision problems have made me cranky. And yup, you're getting another video today, sorry. But like the title says, "I got nuthin'..."

From the best short-lived TV series ever -

I don't know about you, but I feel better.


  1. I'd be very curious to have a random sample of, oh, say, 1000 female SJW types watch the entire Firefly/Serenity sequence and then be asked for their level of respect and attraction for Cap'n Mal... The compare that to a control response. Just sayin'.

    1. Now that would be interesting.

    2. Surprisingly, you can get the same reaction from Female and some male SJWs in contact with outlaw biker types. Seriously. They'll scream at them at the same time they are 'attracted' to them. Weirdest darned response.

      What is scary are the ones that are so far lost they don't 'feel the tingle' when encountering muy macho men. Lost forever they are.

    3. The species is probably better off.

  2. "THEN compare that to a control response" is what it should read... Not nearly enough coffee, yet... :(

    1. I knew that.


      Go, drink more coffee.

    2. Holding a pair of tweezers while inserting into a wall socket has much the same reviving effect. Kinda hard on circuit breakers, but... Tingly and enervating at the same time. DAMHIK.

    3. Somehow I have no difficulty picturing that. (But yeah, it does work.)

  3. Ain't nothing wrong wearing a browncoat. Network execs messed up the series with a poor night and airing it out of sequence. Liked the series and movie enough to get both on DVD. I had watched Whedon's earlier efforts with Buffy and Angel but didn't find out until a few years back that he was a lefty, and suffering from TDS.

    1. Network execs...

      Don't get me started.

      And yeah, Joss Whedon has TDS.

    2. For a minute, I thought you meant he had one of those nice Tektronix o'scopes..... Then I cottoned on to which TDS you meant.

    3. He started out quiet in his leftiness. Now that he's famous there's all sorts of skeletons coming out of the closet as to his perviness. Shame, his works but oh, well, he has pretty much 'Fonda-d' himself.

      As to Fox, well, they've never yet met a show that they and we liked that they haven't been able to kill. Almost like it's a plot. Did the same to 'Babylon 5.' Jerks. And to think the Lefties think that Fox is uber-conservative. Pu-lease!

      (Attempt to get you started about network execs in 3.. 2.. 1..)

    4. STxAR - Heh, o-scope. I see what ya did there.

    5. Beans - Not gonna work, it's a pleasant Sunday here in the 401. But yeah, network execs...


  4. #11 cut off just a touch too soon....

  5. After cataract surgery I can get by watching TV and reading without glasses, but have prescriptions for TV and driving that make that vision excellent without any strain. Small print makes reading difficult, it is clear but I still have to strain. Because I don't really "Need" glasses all the time, I never had them when I "wanted" them. Fixed that, bought several pair of inexpensive prescription glasses at Costco and several pair of cheap reading specs at the pharmacy. I now have glasses all over the place and always ready where ever I am.

    1. My wife does that. She has glasses everywhere, I've learned to stop saying, "Honey, you forgot your glasses."

  6. Waiting for glasses, when you really need them... Grrrrr!

    You’ll always have the weather... and videos
    Just sayin’

    1. Yes, my two favorite fall backs.

      I learned from the best.

  7. Will light a candle for your new specs. I can relate.

    In the far way back times, before I needed multi focal, I too ordered some new specs. The order was through a new eye outfit (don't remember why now). Seems there was this new stuff called polycabonate--light weight and highly impact resistant. Seeing as how I regularly worked with things that could potentially go south in front of my face, seem like a good idea (which it was, eventually). In this instance, didn't even get to the "try again". More like just "Try". Delay after delay. On my third trip back, found out the lab was in Mexico. Right. Ummm, never mind. Found a (another, much better) place to go.

  8. Sorry for not posting, wife and I have been sick, so comments okay, posts? Not enough brain power... Better now, will get butt in gear and get a post out this week. Slacking, but still ahead of LUSH...

    Videos are always good. Friday-Sunday posts are always under-commented on, unless they are very controversial. I've tossed some good posts on the weekend and have been curious about scarcity of comments, one of the reasons I've been going through all the old posts. Weekends are light commenting. Dunno how the page-view is compared to weekdays, but commenting is definitely down by half or more.

    And for some reason, your 'Ugh, not enough to post' posts tend to spark lots of commentary. Even on a weekend, the startling drawing power of an OldAFS post is incredible.

    In other words, it's not you, it's us.

    Now do a video of tanks becoming headless and you'll have juvat on it like bears on a picnic, or badgers on whatever badgers get on, which, from all the nature shows I've seen, is pretty much whatever badgers want to.

    1. Was, is, and will be hanoi jane(no caps) to me until she kicks off. Hope you and the missus get better. A nuthin post?!? With a video from Firefly? Lightheartedness counts for much there Sarge...... :)

    2. Beans - I won't dock your pay, we have sick days.

      And don't tell Juvat. He already thinks that I gave Tuna the keys to the executive bathroom. He is so jealous sometimes.

    3. Nylon12 - I won't even give her that nickname. She's a berk.

    4. Oh, Tuna was in there? I wonder who left the room all disarranged. Thought you were slipping again.

    5. Sigh...

      Sailors, can dress 'em up, can't take 'em anywhere.

  9. Badger's are independent thinkers. It's what we do.


Just be polite... that's all I ask. (For Buck)
Can't be nice, go somewhere else...

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