
Praetorium Honoris

Saturday, September 1, 2018

So Yeah, This Happened...

Yes, I bought an electronic drum kit on Friday.

I'd like to say that The Missus Herself was thrilled with this latest boondoggle hobby. Ya know, "Oh cool, the hubby wants to pound on the drums all day long."

Oddly enough, her biggest concern, other than noting that this "is the dumbest idea you've had in a while, and you've had some doozies" was to wonder "just where are you going to put this thing?"

As you can see, it fits just fine in the Sarge Bunker, well, yes, it's a bit cluttered in there. I need to get rid of a bunch of old decrepit computers which do nothing but gather dust and take up space. (After removing the hard drives of course.) Move a couple of things around and voilà! More room.

Okay, so we'll never be able to do ballroom dancing in that room. Point of fact I'd just as soon that most folks stay out anyway, kids and grandkids excepted.

Now I tried to sell this project using the idea that it is relatively inexpensive and besides which, drumming (if done correctly) is a pretty good workout. Also an electronic kit doesn't take up as much room as the real thing. It also has a headphone jack AND a volume control.

Inexpensive, not as loud, compact, and they sound pretty damned good.

Not that I sound that good, but with practice, who knows?

Just putting the thing together was a pretty good workout.

So yeah, I'm selling this as "exercise equipment." After all, have you ever seen a fat drummer? (I mean a famous one, not some garage band schlub like me...)

When I mentioned to LUSH the whole "have you ever seen a fat drummer" thing, all she could say was..

"I thought it was the drugs that made them skinny?"

"Um, um, not all of 'em!"

So yes, I have the "support" of the youngest.

Now, have to go practice, must get skinny without the drugs.

Or try.

In other news, I got new spectacles on Friday, been on order four weeks, finally came in. So now I can also SEE the drum kit.


  1. Why do the words "men" "boys" "toys" and your misses' thoughts run through my mind?

    1. Gotta have toys. Otherwise you grow up, then all is lost.

  2. Ah, now you can see what you're banging on eh Sarge? A life without boys toys would be dull indeed, but inexpensive does help....heh-heh.

  3. Replies
    1. Rockin' it! (Well, trying to rock it at this stage...)

  4. I used to joke that drummers were to musicians as podiatrist is to doctors, but with messing around with the set i got Mrs. C...MUCH RESPECT, it ain't easy, I'm sticking to guitar. THe headphones make it a great toy for all.

    I probably owe podiatrists an apology as well.

    1. Drumming is not easy, so I have found, in the past and right now.

      And d'ya know just how complicated feet are? Very, I think the human body has 200+ bones, of which at least half are in one's feet.

      But what do I know, I"m no podiatrist (nor am I a drummer, yet).

  5. My SIL is a drummer. He can do a beat with one hand and a different one with the other. My brain tried to scramble itself when I tried. I play the radio. Pretty darn well, too.

    My boys toys are a bit different than yours. They don't eat hay, so they are the best kind of toy. But way oil, spindle oil, cutting oil, argon, high speed steel, carbide and other manly words are needed to accurately describe them.... REM is rotating electrical machinery down here. And man, is it good stuff!!

    Have fun head-banger!! I can't wait for a video post!

    1. Hoorah, machine tools!

      FWIW, to me REM is Rapid Eye Movement, like while dreaming.

      Ooh, video post! Though that's a few months from now.

  6. A former boss had a band .
    They actually practiced a couple of times a week and played gigs.
    He was the lead.
    Each of the members were asked on other occasions to fill in in other groups.
    Boss had been a drummer previously.
    Whenever he was asked to fill in, it was on drums.
    He Asian “Once a drummer..!”

  7. Heh. A few years back, we visited our friends and former neighbors across the street. The folks living in our old house had bought one of their kids a drum set and set it up in the garage, which faces the street. He like to play with the garage door open. The look on our friends faces? Yeah, pretty much the same as the guy on the left behind the King of Rohan.

    Congrats on your new spectacles. I'm headed that way soon myself. I'm sure you have heard the slightly mangled version of crossing yourself---watch, wallet, spectacles, t-------.

  8. So what other childhood wishes are needing to be filled?

    I much encourage the new crop of digital drum systems over the analog ones, for cost, space, and HEADPHONES!

    Beginning drummers are like beginning bagpipe players. Best heard from miles away.

    And you left out the most important, what do the felines think?

    1. I was once a beginning piper. Best kept at a distance.

      The felines like laying on the mats, until I start playing.

      There's no pleasing some folk.

  9. Finally! What this blog needed was something to give a *rimshot*! Practice that first!

  10. Yeah, baby!

    Now go have some fun.....

  11. Nice buy. What do you use for the highhath though? I see the pedal but no cymbals. I need to find another trip out to Newport, so I can try that set out. There was actually a conference out there this weak but I have something else going on.

    1. Week, not weak. Damn phone doesn't dictate well.

    2. The high hat is the cymbal on the far left (physically, not politically). You do need to make another trip to Newport.

    3. Blaming it on the cell phone?

      That's week man.

      Er, weak. (Damn fingers!)

    4. Ahh, ok. I thought that was another splash due to its height.

    5. Same shape as the others too, sounds like a high hat though.

      The magic of technology I suppose.

  12. There ya go!! Talk about stress relief therapy!! On days when work has been "intense", you can go home and bang on your drums!

    Hmm, maybe I should...naaa...tossing firewood around works for me. Besides, I played clarinet in school...hubby would shoot it if I played now... My music minor in college was in I just crank up my "rowdy" music when driving home.


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