
Praetorium Honoris

Saturday, October 20, 2018

Musical Saturday

Ian Anderson of Jethro Tull
(Screen capture)
As an amateur historian, I enjoy living in the past. Sort of.

If you had told me when I was a lad that the flute could be used in rock and roll, no doubt I would have scoffed at the thought. When I was a lad of ten, The Beatles came, they saw, and they conquered my musical tastes.

All you need, so I thought, were a couple of guitars, a bass guitar, and a drum set. I even thought that bands who had an organist were a bit too high brow for my tastes. Freaking keyboards, pshaw, who needs 'em?

Then this Tull thing came along, Jethro Tull to be precise...

Jethro Tull - British Agriculturist
Um, no, not him, these guys...

Well, that's what they looked like a while ago. Back when I still had hair, as did Ian Anderson. The members of the band have changed over the years, in fact Ian Anderson recently announced that Jethro Tull was "no more." After all, it was pretty much Ian Anderson and a revolving cast over the years. Guys would leave the band, other guys would fill in, but Mr. Anderson was the one constant, and truly the creative genius behind the band.

Yes, my tastes have "evolved" over the years. For instance, as many of you know, the Foo Fighters are my "go to" band at the moment. I don't see that changing any time soon, their music fits my many moods to a "T" - heard this one for the first time Friday. Dang, those boys know how to rock. (Live they are incredible, the energy in the venue is palpable!)

But Tull and I go way back, I don't forget old friends. In the days when I was sure that I was going nowhere and I had some of the loneliest days of my life, Jethro Tull had a tune to match my mood, and somehow make it all better.

Music is what separates us from other life forms. Though truth be told, don't wolves and whales "sing" just for the joy that's innit?

I think they do.

And I still think that this is the prettiest song ever written...

Life is a long song, and truth be told, the tune does end too soon for us all.

I daresay, this song kept me going when all seemed truly lost.

Live life while it's there. Love, live. make music.

Peace to you and yours.

Have a GREAT weekend.


  1. When I was working for INS at Philly airport the evening British Airways flight arrived bearing Jethro Tull for a concert tour.
    Ian Anderson wasn't on the flight with the band, I don't remember the why, but I do remember one of my very much longer coworkers looking up, furrowing his brow and opening his mouth, I looked over, called his name and said, "NO! Don't do it!" He still said, "So, which one is Jethro Tull?"

    And now the opening from Aqualung is on an endless loop in my head.

    Good post and it sparked a good memory.

    1. I saw them in concert 15 years ago, they rocked it. With backup from some folks from the Boston Pops Orchestra.

      A most excellent evening.

    2. younger coworkers, not longer. Sigh.

  2. Music can make the good times better and the bad times bearable.... Foo Fighters were just in town Thursday, almost 16K audience I see. Geeez thanks John, now I'VE got Aqualung looping...... (chuckle). Good luck with the eye Sarge!

    1. So true. The Foo were at your place? (Actually I knew that, had friends who were there.)

      Yay, way to go John. (My advice? Take two Locomotive Breath and call me in the morning...)

      As to they eye, gradual improvement on that front, not as fast as I'd like but I'll take it. Weak vision is better than no vision.

    2. Add a mental image of uniformed Feds playing air guitar and ruining the lyrics.
      Da, da, da, da, da, da.

  3. A most excellent song. I've been a Tull fan since I first saw him on TV. I got to see him in concert in Winter Park, Florida back in '79. He put more energy in his concert than Ted Nugent!! From where I sat, I could see him go behind one of the big speakers, crouch down, fire up a bong for a few hits and go back out for a few more songs and then repeat. Not just a great singer and songwriter but a great showman!!

    1. Saw them in 2003 at Tanglewood in Massachusetts, a great outdoor venue. My brother got us tickets maybe 50 feet from the stage. It was awesome!

  4. Replies
    1. Ah Dwight, you have excellent taste. But I knew that already. :)

  5. As to the flute, it's not the instrument, it's the music that makes it. After all, whooda thunk one could rock with a violin (Kansas) or an orchestra (ELO, Queen.) What next? Bagpipes (Scottish Punk.)

    Next thing we all here in Chanter Land you'll be doing some esoteric review of Grand Funk Railroad or something. Eclectic tastes you have.

    I am beginning to suspect you have a bit of a man-crush on Dave from the FFs. Just a tad.

    1. Bagpipes, I do believe Eric Burden and The Animals first used bagpipes on their song Sky Pilot back in the day. First I heard them from a rock band.

      Hhmm, I do love Grand Funk Railroad, especially I'm Your Captain. Eclectic, yes.

      As to the latter, yes, I think you're right. Him and Taylor, the drummer.

    2. Some good piping here,

  6. Replies
    1. As well you should. He's an amazing flautist! (I don't like the North Americanism of "flutist." Color me elitist if you will.)

  7. Yes, I agree that Tull is ( are? ) good, but my go to musical group is Fleetwood Mac.

    Agree also with your flautist/flutist use.

    Thanks for the post.
    Paul L. Quandt

  8. Thank you for writing about musical groups, for the past 45 minutes I have been listening to music ( Fleetwood Mac and Dire Straits ) on this computer and playing a Civilization IV game on my other computer. Isn't it a wild and crazy life I led when my wife is away.


  9. I just watched the Foo Fighters video. I must say that I still have not acquired a taste for them. As I believe I have written before, each to his/her own.


  10. ....and this evening, at my sons, we dined to his choice of music, CS&N and Steely Dan. (I wonder where he gets it from?😅)

    1. Excellent choice, two great bands right there!


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