
Praetorium Honoris

Tuesday, December 11, 2018

The Void

Old Air Force Sarge
Went to the cupboard,
To give the poor Chanters a tale;
But when he came there
The cupboard was bare,
And so the poor Chanters got squat.*

Seriously, Monday night.

I was devoid of material, empty of purpose, and lacking in motivation.

Yeah, Monday.

Remember this?

I might have something tomorrow...

I haven't ideated that yet.

The Void, it's what's inside my head.

* With apologies to Old Mother Hubbard.


  1. Well, no guiding light from the Sarge? A potpourri of nothingness? You realize this will give Beans even more rein to ..... ah..... er.... post? Time then to write a few Christmas cards and wrap the last of the presents. How's the eye Sarge?

    1. The well seems dry at the moment.

      The left eye improves ever so slowly, but it improves. The right seems better as well, at least it is no worse.

    2. Yes, yes, I am working on a post or two, just been dealing with the insane emperor Cartagia and his wish to attain living god-hood.

      Or something like that.

      Got something in the mail I will be writing about, and got some photographic evidence I also will be writing about.

    3. Now that right there sounds very, very interesting.

      And not a little bit scary.

    4. Somebody been watching Comet TV, a bit of the Babylon 5 series? I say that since I've been re-watching it myself, saw it when it originally ran but forgot most of it over the years. Not bad CGI considering the computers available back then.

    5. I have that series on my Amazon Prime watchlist.

      Once I get through my current binging...

    6. Nylon12 - Yes, been hitting the Comet TV. And really enjoying it running day-to-day. The seamlessness between episodes is one of the things that made the show great. That and listening to the changing theme introduction and theme music every season.

      That, and Melissa Gilbert ain't bad on the eyes, right before she sees the light, so to speak...

      The CGI was far and above anything in comparison at the time. And, really, overall, special effects, costuming, storyline, backstories, civilization creations, everything, beat the dog-squeeze out of the various "Star Dreck" series.

      Always liked Londo. Always felt sorry for his very Shakespearian character. I mean, it's a friggin Greek tragedy, ya know?

  2. Very artistic way of saying "I ain't got nuttin'" which is my usual go to.

    1. When "I git nuttin'," I try to be graceful/artistic about it. I thought of not posting at all, but I just can't, I need to put something (sometimes anything) up.

      It's obsessed I am.

    2. At least he didn't stick us with one of those weird discus amongst ourselves topics like "WWUI - Should we have sided with the Kaiser?" or something else weird, like "LCS - Prove that it is a good platform."

      We ducked the ball on this one, boys and girls...

    3. Mixed metaphors aside, you've given me a couple of good ideas.

      Are ye scared yet?

    4. With you, as much as a blind cat in a room of hyperkinetic kids in rockers...

  3. You could always sing "no blog today my muse has gone away"....

  4. Never fear Sarge. I can go a coupla days without somethin'. Maybe... Wait, never mind, the shakes are starting already. ;-)

    1. We got a shipment of Tuna coming in tomorrow. He's in fine fettle.

    2. Hope it's in a foil pouch 'cause I've lost my can opener...

    3. B-4s are available upon request.

      No, I don't know who to request them from. ;)

  5. Trust me,

    I had something to say

    html DEMONS forbade it.

    go with God.

    which was from the book I meant to cite, which also said,

    Abide with God.

    Either way? You're covered.

  6. Yup. That's why they call it the "nuthin' box".

    I've met one or two guys that seemed unable to find their nuthin' box. Poor bastards.

    1. I shall have to watch this when I get home. I'm sure it's entertaining.

    2. It is, particularly so because it is spot on.

  7. I could send you my vacation pictures and you could post them for me.
    I don’t know what’s happened to all that time I used to have for posting.

  8. Old Mother Hubbard
    went to her cupboard
    to get her poor daughter a dress.
    When she got there
    the cupboard was bare
    and so was her daughter, I guess!

    -taught to me, in class, by a high school English teacher, who today would be run out of town on a rail.

    1. Hahaha! I remember that!

      Might have been our gym teacher who taught us that one.

  9. For a post in which you write that you have nothing to write, it sure has generated a number of comments. At least you write ' I got nothing ' with style.

    Thanks for the post.
    Paul L. Quandt

  10. Gee, not even an invite to "Talk amongst yourselves" so we just sit here avoiding eye contact?
    John Blackshoe

    1. I was kinda hoping it would get awkward.

      Mission accomplished!


  11. At least the cupboard wasn’t BEAR, that would be a shorts-changer.

    1. That's a monitor sprayer!

      Good one a bear. Good one.

  12. I want to know where you can find an empty cupboard to take a picture of!?!? I wish I had empty cupboards around here, let me tell ya! And it is a nice looking cupboard too!
    I would love to empty some cupboards around here, but that would involve a dumpster...and possibly be grounds for divorce, so...I am just envious of your empty cupboard. But not of your muse taking a vacay...must be out doing the Christmas thing?

    1. I think the Muse has been tapping the egg nog a bit early.

      But hey, she can't be on duty 24/7, can she? (Though I do rather expect it.)


Just be polite... that's all I ask. (For Buck)
Can't be nice, go somewhere else...

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